<![CDATA[Cougar's Byte Feed]]> Mon, 24 Mar 2025 05:11:27 -0400 Mon, 24 Mar 2025 05:11:27 -0400 SNworks CEO 2025 The Cougar's Byte <![CDATA[Women in Action: Katherine Gallagher]]> In honor of Women's History Month, the Student Life Media Team has taken the initiative to highlight some of Kean's prominent ladies for their "Women in Action" series. 

In the second installment of the series, Courtney-Joy Breeden, SLMT Writer, had the opportunity to touch base with Katherine Gallagher, Senior Vice President for Student Success.

Q: Before joining Kean University, you served as Deputy Assistant Commissioner at the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE). What skills and experiences have you been able to transfer to your position here at Kean?

A: So, as Deputy Assistant Commissioner, I oversaw branches of the Division of Field Services of the Department of Education, and Field Services is really focused on engaging directly with schools and districts to support students. So, I would say the throughline of my career is really, it's about removing barriers to student success at all different levels and all different ways. And so much of what I've done in my career before is heavily applicable to what I do day in and day out here and it's about systems thinking, it's about being able to put yourself I think in a student's shoes to really understand what the barriers are and more importantly engaging with students and hearing from them directly about what their concerns are, what they're struggling with, what's holding them back from being successful as they want to be. We want every student to persist to graduation, what I did in the K-12 world is similar to what I'm doing now in a higher-ed context which is really just, trying to create opportunity for students.

Q: What inspired you to work in "student success," and what life occurrences led you to this role?

A: So I always knew I wanted to advocate for students and young people in some regard and what draws me to student success work was I think partly it is a natural extension of what I had been doing in a slightly different context but I also, I can relate to our students in many different ways. I was a transfer student myself, first generation, I made not every mistake in the book but close to it and so I think that drives me to really find innovative ways to support our students in their path to graduation. There are some straightforward ways we can do that like advising but we're always looking to find new and innovative ways to meet students where they are, the world changes quickly and we want to make sure that we're in touch with our students and really helping them get to the finish line.

Q: As the Senior Vice President for Student Success, how do you approach students that may feel isolated or challenged by the pressures of achieving a college education?

A: We try to individualize our support to students as much as we can and of course, we identify some common themes, [and] some challenges students are facing, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to stay in school and to get to the finish line and so the ways that I try to relate to students is sometimes telling them some of the stories of what I faced as a first gen student. I attended a state university that was not within New Jersey, I didn't fully understand the implications of paying more for tuition, I wasn't there for a specific reason, so that was one of the things that kind of tripped me up a little bit in my educational journey, I did transfer I took some time off and when I was driving home for thanksgiving I was pulled over, I might have been speeding a little bit, but I got pulled over and got a speeding ticket, it was a 300 dollar speeding ticket, I'm going to date myself, there were no cell phones so I drove to the nearest rest stop and honestly just cried my eyes out in my car because I didn't have 300 dollars and I was pretty sure I was going to transfer anyway and that was sort of the moment where I realized, I didn't really have any other options at that point right? So I've been through those moments, where you're kind of wondering am I going to be able to complete this journey, and just feeling the weight of everything can kind of fall in the way of successfully completing…so I think empathy and relating back to some of the struggles I had and just letting students know that they're not alone, it's a challenge for everybody to get to the finish line in their education and many of our students have extraordinary challenges but we have a whole world of alumni out there who have overcome those challenges and are successful today and that's a model for our students I think.

Q: What has been the most rewarding experiences and the most challenging? How do you position yourself to produce a positive outcome from a challenging situation?

A: I think the most rewarding thing for me is when we're really able to help students resolve a situation that keeps them on track to graduation, it's wonderful to see all the students at graduation, of course, we celebrate those moments but we have teams working within the division all day every day just to try to help keep students on track and remove any barriers to their success and so, you know, seeing and hearing stories about students who are in situations where they might not be able to continue if not for what we're able to provide, which can sometimes be a mini-grant, sometimes it can be helping students find more scholarship funding, that's the most rewarding piece is just watching students be able to stay on their journey and make progress and go out in the world and do great things.

Q: What have you learned from working with students in the university? What do you hope students learn from you in return?

A: What have I learned from students? I am consistently impressed doesn't begin to cover, I'm blown away by our student's commitment and resilience, some of the stories students tell us about the challenges that they face and they still continue to find a way to be here every day is just, it blows me away so part of what I learned from our students is just that that commitment to learning it really can help move you through if there are appropriate supports available can help move you through any challenge and kind of stay on your path and I sort of knew that but I see that reinforced all the time and that's really beautiful so I'm grateful to our student for that. What do I hope that they've learned from me is just to never give up, when I was overseeing field support teams, I was at the Department of Education… we sometimes had tough days, there were a lot of barriers, so what I used to tell my teams was it's okay to fall down, it's okay to go home feeling defeated, I had a lot of end of the day phone calls with folks who had kind of been through it that day and I said feel everything you're feeling it's totally fair to be there, you got to get up tomorrow and start again and fight another day and I preached that to them because it's a mantra that I live by so I hope that that comes across to my colleagues and our students as well.

Q: How does the Division of Student Success and Retention collaborate with other departments at Kean University? What initiatives or programs are in place to ensure students are aware of the resources?

A: We do very little in the division that is not in partnership with others across the university, as our President [Repollet] reminds us, student success is everyone's responsibility, that means literally every single person who is a part of the campus community and so we're all about building bridges and working with our colleagues to try to supplement all of the great work that they're doing and kind of galvanize everybody around a common mission to help our students persist to graduation. We're very fortunate we have wonderful colleagues across the university who are just as committed as we are to helping every single student get to the finish line. Let me think of some of the key collaborations that we've taken part in we had an advising task force that generated a report on making recommendations for what advising should look like at Kean moving forward  CAPS is our advising center, the Center for Advising Persistence and Success and it does sit within the division, but the advising task force is composed of folks from all across the university and as we work toward implementing those goals, we're still midway through implementing the recommendations that were included in that report and the implementation has included stakeholders from all across the university and that's the way that we prefer to do things because we really want to make sure that that's part of how we spread the word about what we offer right? It's about making sure that all of our colleagues are aware but also when we collaborate with our colleagues, we are able to sometimes identify barriers for students that we might not otherwise and so that's a critical part of our success.

Q: How does this Division keep pace with current trends in technology and academic learning?

A: I'm not going to lie, it can be tough, things move quickly and things change quickly and AI  is a perfect example of that so we are always focused on professional learning we try to make sure that everyone in the division has access to attending professional learn events bot on campus and off campus and in other locations, and we sure resources with each other every day so we all read what's going on, if we can't get out to a conference we may participate in a webinar on something like AI right and how it applies to our work and then we try to share that information amongst ourselves its hard sometimes in the business of day to day to stop and focus on the professional learning but if we don't keep up with what's going on then we're not going to be as effective for our students… we try to share information the best ways that we can and we try to just make sure that everyone is engaged in that professional learning and that everyone has opportunities to engage in different ways in that learning.

We would like to extend a big thank you to Senior Vice President Katherine Gallagher for participating in our Women in Action series. We acknowledge her success and commitment to the betterment of Kean's student population and for being a spokesperson for students who face obstacles during their college careers.

Stay tuned for more empowering stories featured on Women In Action at Kean in our series throughout the remainder of the month.

<![CDATA[The Cougar Retail Experience!]]> On Tuesday, March 4 the Kean community was welcomed to the Spring 2025 Cougar Pop Up Shop. The Office of Student Retention and Educational Innovation, Career Services, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Cougar Connections Center of Social Work, Kean Wellness Center, and Kean's Bridge to Success hosted the event in Downs Hall from 12:30 to 4 p.m.  

There was a variety of options for students to choose from for any occasion. Racks were filled with dresses, ties, suits, and blouses for students to shop from. The Cougar Pop Up Shop always has an impressive turnout with an overwhelming number of students attending the event in search of professional and casual clothing to wear without cost. 

Shakti Moore, a Psychology and Film double major and freshman from Plainfield, stated why she decided to come to the event. 

"I actually went last semester, and it was really fun. I work in the Office of Admissions so my everyday clothes aren't really things I can wear to work...I'm just here to get stuff for work and cute clothes because they have really nice stuff here." 

Veronica Vila, an English major and junior from Linden, shared how she was choosing clothing pieces that would cultivate a sophisticated style. 

"I come every semester whenever they do it because it's a really good way to find new things that I need [like] bags and clothing for professional attire," shared Vila. 

"I've gotten a bunch of blazers from here. It definitely elevates my clothing and the way that you present yourself when you go to an interview or a conference. It's about having resources available." 

Juan Gavilanes, a Computer Science major and freshman from Ecuador, was excited about the suit selection available. 

"[The clothes] are really good. It actually helps me a lot because I was looking for a suit but it's too expensive. Here, I got a free suit basically." 

Annette Parada, a Communications major and junior from Union City used the event to prepare for the Career Fair. 

"It's free and we have the Career Fair coming up so I thought it would be a great opportunity to come and expand my closet and pick out some new pieces that I can wear for the Career Fair." 

Upon leaving the Pop-Up Shop, students were able to visit tables that offer help and resources like NJ Snap, the Offices of Scholarship Services, Financial Aid, and Student Retention and Educational Innovation.  

Liz O'Donnell, Lead Social Worker in Cougar Connections Center of Social Work, presented a table that asked students to write down what their significant expense is as a college student. 

"We chose this question because our office supports students who are experiencing basic needs challenges and a lot of their core issues is a lack of funding to purchase things that they need to live on a day-to-day basis like housing, food, finances, things like that," stated O'Donnell. 

"So, we wanted to know if they're coming here for clothing what might their other needs be. So, a good question to get that is 'What is your biggest college expense?' And the answers have been transportation, food, and the biggest one is textbooks." 

There was a spread of food that all who were participating in the event could enjoy while learning more about the offices that are available for support and guidance as they continue their academic journey. 

Each semester many students look forward to the Cougar Pop Up Shop. The event supports the university's mission to assist and empower students in their academic career. 

<![CDATA[Show Your Kean Pride: Student Affairs Night of Support!]]> On Wednesday, February 12 the Kean campus community was welcomed to the Student Affairs Basketball Night of Support. The event was hosted by Communications and Marketing for Student Affairs, the Center for Leadership and Service, the Office of Student Government, Miron Student Center Operations and Event Management, and the Kean P.U.L.S.E. Programming Board.  

The Student Affairs Basketball Night of Support was held in Harwood Arena and featured the women's and men's basketball games against William Paterson University. The first 100 students of each game were given complimentary Student Life t-shirts and other Kean merch. 

Vice President for Student Affairs, Kerrin Lyles, shared the purpose of the event. 

"Tonight gives us an opportunity, as far as the Student Affairs Division, to support both our men's and women's basketball teams. We enjoy doing stuff like this to continue to bring awareness of what our athletes are doing," expressed Lyles. 

"It's really just an opportunity for us to make sure that we get our students out there. Students that really don't normally participate and come out to these events." 

In addition to the basketball game, the KU Dance Club performed during halftime and the KU Cheer Team ignited spirit and engagement within the crowd. 

Breanna Taylor, a freshman and Psychology major from Woodbridge shared why she decided to support the event and what possessing Kean spirit means to her. 

"I decided to get out my dorm and see the Cheerleading team because I do want to join the Cheerleading team next year. Just coming out, participating, being here and involved is a way to show your Spirit." 

The night was filled with fun and entertainment as students and faculty cheered with Kean spirit. Students also had the opportunity to participate in the halftime contests. During the women's basketball game, there was a lay-up, free throw, and 3-pointer contest, while the men's basketball game had a 3-point contest. The winner from the women's halftime show received a Kean sweatshirt and the winner from the men's basketball game, Chas Cadmus, a junior and Physical Education major from New Providence, won a 65-inch TV. He shared his excitement and how stunned he was about his victory against three other contestants. 

"It was fun. I honestly didn't expect to be chosen for this. My girlfriend was actually the reason I signed up for it...I didn't even know I was gonna win a prize. I just wanted to play basketball," stated Cadmus. 

"It's probably not gonna hit me until tomorrow morning but it definitely feels great." 

The Student Affairs Basketball Night of Support attracted a large crowd and successfully informed students about the university's basketball teams. The night was filled with fun and thrilling contests that displayed the competitive and unifying side of our university. 

Click the link to watch Student Affairs Night: Heart, Hustle & Hoops! 💙🏀 Best Moments 🔥

<![CDATA[Women in Action: Dr. Genique Stanislaus]]> The month of March is dedicated to honoring women's history, celebrating the many accomplishments and acknowledging the contributions of women across the world. This year, the Student Life Media Team (SLMT) had the honor of speaking with some of the leading ladies of the Kean community, highlighting their past and present achievements for the advancement of students and the reputation of the university as a part of our "Women In Action" series.  

Natalia Andeliz, the SLMT Social Media Manager, had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Genique Stanislaus, Executive Director of the Kean Wellness Center for the first installment of the Women in Action series.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in health? What steps have led you to become the Executive Director of the Wellness Center? 

A: I come from a long line of healthcare providers and civil service workers, so service has always been in my bloodline. It's something that I've always been passionate about, and I knew from a very young age I was going to go into healthcare. I've pursued several degrees in nursing and certifications and that's really prepared me for my role now. I definitely have always looked at the impact of health and wellbeing and how it impacts our community. So, I definitely have taken a path of researching that a little bit more, finding out how my role as a healthcare provider can impact others around us. Several steps in my career has led me to Kean University and becoming the Executive Director of the Wellness Center. 

Q: What is your definition of wellness and how do you ensure that the Wellness Center reflects your vision? 

A: I think we need to think of wellness outside of physical wellbeing. I think it's a lot of mental, social, emotional wellbeing. So, I think if we move beyond just the physical sense of wellbeing, we can really capture wellness as a whole. Wellness is really about balance, resilience, and access to care. If we take all of that as a whole, we're incorporating wellness into our daily living. We are not always going to be in wellbeing and wellness. We have to find a balance between all of it. What the Wellness Center does is we take several offices; we've created an environment where you can get holistic comprehensive care. You can come to one location, you can access your mental health, your physical health, you can access accessibility. We have the food pantry there and we've created just a really safe environment that's judgement free, so that students can come and really attack all the different elements of wellness and wellbeing. 

Q: What is an initiative or program that you are proud of and that has been proven effective on the Kean campus? 

A: We've done a lot of initiatives at the Wellness Center since I've started about three years ago. I think one of the things that really is important to me is not only the mental wellbeing of students and the accessibility but it's the physical wellbeing. At Student Health Services, we have Wellness Wednesdays that we do, and we tackle different topics. We do prevention health, we do education, we do vaccines, we do flu shots. We really want to make our students global health citizens. When they leave Kean, the wellness that they learn here is something that they can bring outside of it. So, working with Health Services and making sure that we are doing outreach on campus outside of the Wellness Center is really important. Students don't necessarily need to come to us to understand what's happening with them, we go to them. That's one of the things I'm really proud of. 

Q: In what ways do you aid the Wellness Center in adapting to the health and wellness trends? 

A: Even outside of being an active student, we're constant learners. So, what I do is I make sure I'm up to date on research and trends. I go to conferences; I speak to other wellness coordinators [because] I have to educate myself every day to know what's going on in the community not just the Kean community but the community at large. One thing I would say to students is never stop learning, never stop educating yourself, and never stop really keeping up to date on what's happening. I do a lot of data collection at the Wellness Center. We collect our data and based on what we collect, that's how we develop programs for students. We know that flu is something that's in our environment right now, so we do flu clinics for students, and we do it for employees as well. We know that mental health has been a struggle for students, so we do outreach, we do groups. It's about collecting data, using that information to develop programs so we can meet students where they are and make sure that we're addressing their needs.  

Q: What has been the general response from students that have used the Wellness Center's services? 

A: We've had an overwhelmingly positive response. It's always so meaningful when a student takes the time out of their day to email me and to let me know that they've interacted with one of my team members or they've interacted with an office. Because of that interaction we have created more stability, and we've changed the situation for them. It's always so meaningful to get that feedback from students knowing that it's not just about coming into the office and seeing someone [but] that the person that they saw or that the office they interacted with actually had a really positive and meaningful impact on them. That's the most positive thing that we get. We get feedback from students that they enjoy the renovations, they enjoy our accessibility services. So, it's just really positive to know that we're impacting our students. 

Q: What are your long-term goals for the Wellness Center? What resources would be needed to reach those goals? 

A: When we are talking about long term goals, I think beyond Kean. We don't want the students just to benefit from our services while they're here. One of the things that we talk about a lot is we want students to be aware of their healthcare needs, we want them to have access to healthcare services, and we want them to be able to advocate for themselves. My long-term goal is to create programs and education where we increase awareness, access, and advocacy for our students so that when they leave Kean, they're able to take these things that they learned here, and they are able to implement them in their life going forward. And what we need to do to be able to do that is we need to have a greater footprint on campus. We need to get outside of the Wellness Center, we need to be on campus, strategically placed so that we can interact with students. Not when they're sick, when they have anxiety or depression, but even on the days that they feel good, we want to let them know that we're still here for you. We have education programs; we have outreach programs that are available to the students. We also want to make sure that they know that we are a safe place for them to come. We have students that come in, they don't know what they need but they end up in the Wellness Center. We're able to identify that maybe it's not us that you need. Maybe we connect you with your Academic Advisor, we connect you with a tutor. So, I just want a long-term goal to have a greater footprint on campus and I want students to be able to leave here with an awareness that they're valued and that they're important and that they can advocate for themselves after they leave Kean. 

Q: In regard to overall health and wellness, what do you wish students knew more about, or advice would you give to students? 

A: I think the most important thing is to know that there are so many resources on campus for students. I think there are resources that students don't even know exist. So, I think informing yourself and making sure that you are aware of what is available to you as students is one of the most important things. Because if it's something that I can't provide at the Wellness Center, we're going to connect you to those resources. So being aware of what's available. You guys are here for four years plus, why not take advantage of some of the resources that are here for you. Also knowing that if your institution can't offer you resources, you need to connect with outside resources. You need to advocate for yourself, you need to speak up for yourself whether its academic, whether its health, you need to make sure that you're advocating for what you need on a daily basis because honestly when it comes to down to it, you're going to be your best advocate you're going to be the best person that's going to say this is what I need right now, this is what I need help with. So, I think the most important thing to teach young people beyond being here when they leave the university is always advocate for yourself, always make sure that you're aware of the resources, make sure you have access to those resources. 

We would like to thank Dr. Genique Stanislaus for taking the time to participate in our Women in Action series. It was an honor to feature the accomplishments and efforts that contribute greatly to the actions of the Wellness Center and the Kean University community. Look out for more empowering stories throughout the month of March.

Watch part 1 of the Women in Action series, here:
"Women in Action" Series PT. 1 Featuring - Dr. Genique Stanislaus 

<![CDATA[The Spirit of Haiti Unifies Kean]]> On Friday night, November 22, the Haitian Student Association (HSA) hosted its annual Kreyol Fest, gathering students, staff, friends, and family to celebrate the beautiful culture of Haiti.

The event started with an introduction to the e-board and a short speech from the club's President, Virginie Gilbert. But to officially begin the festivities, all attendees stood for the Haitian National Anthem sung by four members of the HSA.

The night was full of food, music, and fun. A soul train line with a 25-dollar cash prize, a game of "Are you really Haitian?" where participants were quizzed on Haitian culture, and a poem done in Haitian creole on having pride in your culture. 

Students were excited to show off their culture with dance performances exhibiting traditional Haitian moves and dances like Kompa and with cultural foods like plantain, diri djondjon aka Haitian black rice, and mac au gratin or Haiti's prized mac and cheese.

It was an event to remember and a beautiful show of how culture unifies people. Kean students were full of love and passion as they represented the culture of the island.

Tania Edmond, a junior and Psychology major from Union, NJ, who was in the thick of the music and dancing happening on the dance floor, talked about what she loved most about her culture.

"I love everything about my culture, but if I have to choose, music is my favorite part," she expressed. "When you listen to it, you're like this is us, it's like you can hear Haiti, we have a distinct sound; I love it."

As life was celebrated on the dance floor, it allowed all of Kean's Haitian students like Edmond to reflect on what they admire about their culture and how they feel sharing it with others,

Shukuran Adewolde, a junior and Exercise Science major from Newark, NJ, spoke on the generosity of Haitian people when it comes to outsiders participating in their culture.

"There's no discrimination at all!" said Adewolde. "If you want to dance to Kompa, you dance to Kompa, if you want to eat some food, you can join and eat some food; we don't discriminate."

And as the music continued to play and attendees ate their Haitian dinner, various people of all cultures were seen enjoying and honoring the spirit of the island.

Haiti is its people: passionate, strong, and vibrant. 

Wilda Bauge, a junior and Supply Chain Management major and current New Jersey resident, had one thing to say about her culture, something many students agreed on.

"I love everything about my culture," she said. "We're all family here!"

And as the night came to an end, the spirit of Haiti continued, unwavering in its boldness.

<![CDATA[Rooted Legacy: A Tribute to Black Culture]]> On Monday, February 10, the Kean P.U.L.S.E. Programming Board hosted Rooted Legacy in the Miron Student Center Atrium. From 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., all students were welcomed to a soulful afternoon of fun activities and delicious food in recognition of Black History Month. 

The Atrium was decorated with classic books and vinyl records created by black authors and musicians, and large photographs of African Americans with a brief description explaining what they have contributed to history. Students used this information to fill out a fun crossword puzzle to receive a gift bag with a complimentary t-shirt included.  

A jazz band passionately played music in the background as students learned more about the African American culture and took pictures in the photo booth.  

Khyla Williams, a freshman and Communications/ Media and Film major from Newark came to Rooted Legacy to embrace her culture. 

"Being that I am African American, I wanted to see what Kean was offering with this event and how it connects back to my culture." 

Additionally, there was a beautiful dance performance and a personal poem read by students that portrayed the beauty and triumph of African American culture. 

Not only did Kean P.U.L.S.E. display influential figures but they also had a table where students match the invention to the inventor. 

Taniyah Drayton, a freshman and Public Health major from Linden shared her favorite part of the event. 

"I would say the matching game. I learned a lot about the different trailblazers and how they have contributed to our inventions and innovation," shared Drayton. 

"I definitely learned some new names. I was happy to actually get three [correct]." 

As attendees walked around the Atrium, they were welcomed to refreshments like mocktails from The Bar and cultural foods such as collard greens, chicken and waffles, and macaroni and cheese. 

Julie Martinez-Landa, a junior and Journalism major from Elizabeth stated how delightful the food was and how she enjoyed the smooth jazz. 

"The music [is my favorite] because I love jazz, and the food is just delicious." 

Rooted Legacy was an event that beautifully highlighted the figures, inventors, and critical moments that continue to shape our culture. Students happily engaged in the event while learning something new that they can carry with them into their futures in honor of Black History Month. 


<![CDATA[The Cougars Are In Session ]]> On Monday,  November 4, Kean Pulse took to Green Lane to host Cougar Court, a mock trial, to show students the ins and outs of jury duty.


There were two sessions a different group of students each and they all agreed on how effective and knowledgeable the experience was and that they absolutely walked away learning something new.


"I learned about simple assault and how to better define misdemeanors and infractions," said Rashaad Couloote, a graduate student studying Forensic Psychology. "My mom used to work in courtrooms and I used to want to be a lawyer growing up… so I just wanted to see how Kean would tackle legal proceedings.


Couloote studied criminal justice during undergrad and was one of many students familiar with the court system who still discovered new information.


"I'm considering law school after this so it was very interesting," said Jubilee Rendon, a junior Criminal Justice major. "In this type of case [I learned] with defamation they don't really need to bring any witnesses."


The case was Batzel vs Smith, Smith bringing Batzel to court for defamation, but unfortunately for Smith, people like Batzel are protected by the Communications Decency Act which protects internet companies from lawsuits regarding user content, a concept new to many students.


Besides the mock trial, there were other activities students could participate in between breaks like trivia games where students identify a crime, misdemeanor and infraction and true or false questions surrounding court rules.


"I didn't know that petty assault and the other things discussed were both a part of misdemeanors, I thought petty offenses were just infractions but it wasn't, they're considered misdemeanors just two different types," said Bobbi Perry, a Computer Science major who has done many mock trials before.


Another student, Nicole Rodriguez an Art Education major with a minor in Art History and currently works with kids also stated that things she learned during the event will be something she uses in the future.


"I learned what a misdemeanor and infraction is…[and] some interesting jargon that I'll definitely be using with my kids."


In the end, Kean Pulse left students with useful information and fun treats like donut holes and bottled drinks but students walked away comfortably for whatever future jury duty may have for them.

<![CDATA[Senior Human Rights Kean Fellow, Ndaba Mandela, Brings a Powerful Presence to the University Campus]]> From November 11th to the 15th, Kean welcomed its 2024 Human Rights Kean Fellow, Ndaba Mandela, through a series of interactive events and lectures.

From speaking on panels, lecturing and showing up to campus events dedicated to human rights, Mandela made a lasting impression on Kean.

Monday, November 11th was the Day of Service for Mandela at Kean and many students attended events like Lunch with Ndaba Mandela and Student Leaders, a presentation on food security, and the Catch a Fire Film Screening and Discussion where students viewed a movie about the fight against the apartheid in South Africa.

November 12th was geared towards Sports for Social Change and Advocacy. Mandela talked with sports executives in a panel and later attended a field day program with the executives, Kean student-athletes and local youth groups.

Friday, November 15th, Mandela spoke at the Diversity Council High School Leadership Conference and discussed with Human Rights Institute Program Coordinator, Mindy Goldstein and Kean student leaders on the aspects of leadership and organizing. 

However, it was Thursday, November 14th that the Kean community-staff, faculty, students and alumni- truly showed up for. The morning of that day was the Human Rights and NGO Career Fair where local NGOs and other Non-profit Organizations presented to students what they were all about. 

But that afternoon at 3:15 p.m. Kean hosted the first of its Distinguished Lecture Series including a Q&A with Ndaba Mandela, led by Dr. David Jefferson Jr. the Acting Director of the Center for Africana Studies at Kean, in the North Ave Academic Building. 

Attendees were grateful for the insight into activism and social justice that Mandela spoke of. A specific group of students who are committed to staying involved on campus took his words of advice to heart and were appreciative of his dedication to educating others on and discussing what it means to participate in the fight in human rights.

"He mentioned a phrase that we all know… if you want to go fast, you go by yourself and if you want to go far you go together, and I feel like in this society that we live in today it's very individualistic everybody's trying to do things on their own," commented Annie Exi, a senior History Education major at Kean. "We lost a sense of community, so hearing that today reminded me that it's ok to lean on the people around me in order to get far in life,"

Exi is part of the Haitian Student Association (HSA) and in the past has participated in the Kean gospel choir, her peers Cynthia Pierre, Secretary of the HSA and Lydie Philippe, Vice President of the HSA also had moments of the lecture that truly stuck with them.

"One thing that he said that I really loved, was when he mentioned the name of his book Going to the Mountain and talked about the different struggles, we [Black people] often go through," said Pierre, a junior English and Early Childhood Education major. "So even when we make it past one thing there's something else… it's always more of the mountain we have to climb, "

Philippe, a senior English and Elementary Education major also added, "When he was saying don't pour into anybody else's stuff until you've poured into yours, that spoke to me, " she explained. "You can't help someone else until you can help yourself."

Mandela's lecture provided great insight into the duty of someone who is present and involved in ensuring that equity and equality are extended to all people regardless of race, religion, gender identity, and sexuality. He spoke of his journey and the influences of his grandfather but reminded the audience that those stories and experiences aren't what makes him a good leader.

"A leader isn't somebody who is number one, a leader is not somebody who is the best, a leader is somebody who serves," Mandela stated.

And that statement has settled in the hearts of the Kean community.

<![CDATA[Create Big, Win Big: Quad Makeover Contest!]]> The Division of Student Affairs hosted the second Quad Makeover Contest that was open to all Fall 2024 residential students living in the Quad buildings (Bartlett, Burch, Rogers, and Sozio). The contest started in Spring 2023 to highlight the final phase of the Quad buildings' renovation. The competition was continued due to the success of the student engagement and needed student financial support. The four finalist suites had the chance to display their interior decorating skills with a budget of $500 and the winning suite will receive a free semester cost of housing.  

Before distributing the makeover budget, suitemates of each residence hall had to submit a video answering why they thought their suite should be chosen and what enhancements they would make. Student Affairs staff reviewed the submissions, and the chosen suites were given a $500 budget and two weeks to transform their entire space. The Student Affairs' Director of Communications and Marketing, Arion Jamerson, is overseeing the contest and explains why it's an important initiative. 

"I love this contest as it brings together the suitemates and furthers their bonds as they strategize to redesign their spaces. It also gives the University the opportunity to find new ways to directly financially assist and connect with the students as we get to come into their home away from home," said Jamerson. 

The Quad Makeover Contest was judged by Kean professional staff including Kerrin Lyles, Vice President of Student Affairs; La Toro Yates, Ph.D., Vice Present of Enrollment Mangement; Punit Patel, Director of Residence Life; and Jason Pleitez, Office of the President. Each suite was judged on creativity, functionality, use of the budget, and the Kean housing guidelines. The judges went to each suite and talked with the students about their decisions. 

Punit Patel, the Director of Residence Life, shared his thoughts on the annual Quad Makeover Contest. 

"I'm excited for this year's annual Quad makeover Contest to really see what our students did as they were transforming their spaces into a more cohesive living environment with the guidelines," said Patel. 

The contestants from Burch Hall #309 shared their inspirations and steps they took to revamp their living spaces. 

"I would say we definitely wanted something very comfortable ... very relaxing and something nice just to come back to. For example, the vines. We had wanted something earthy, something therapeutic, so that was definitely a good choice," Jade Fuentes. 

The contestants from Burch Hall #405 explained their design decisions. 

"As you can see, everything's not like a specific color or specific design. It's just like all of our personalities combined," said Ruby Crowell. 

"It just felt a lot more emptier when we first moved in, and now with all the stuff we got from the budget as well as what we incorporated by ourselves, we just added more of a home feel," said Zoe Ly. 

Contestants from Rogers Hall #301 wanted to decorate their space based on a shared feeling of belonging and unity. 

"The main reason why we chose these items specifically because we built a community within Kean University. Every time we hang out with our friends it's always in this dorm and we just make the best memories ever. And it's like a second home to them, because most of our friends are commuters," said Sheyla Farfan. 

"Previously, our suite had very minor decorations, we didn't have as much. But having this opportunity to revamp our room definitely changed the vibe of our entire space...Coming back to this room we are able to decompress," said Celina Luna. 

Contestants from Sozio Hall #508 took a different route and focused most of their funds on the shared areas in the suite. 

"We wanted to focus more on our shared spaces. When choosing items, we thought about what would fit with our vibes and in the space as well. We didn't decide on things that was personal to us, we chose items for the group and the form itself," said Doriella Paul. 

"I feel like once we focused on the common areas we can actually host here, have game nights. We can have people come over and it feels like a space you want to stay in," said Israel Peoples. 

The winner of the 2024-2025 Quad Makeover Contest is Sozio #508 suitemates Crystal Brito, Tatyani Gabourel, Doriella Paul and Israel Peoples. The suitemates impressively reimagined their space. The judges were intrigued by how they strategically used their budget to improve their suite and make it their own.  

Congratulations to the winners and all the suites who participated in the competition. 

<![CDATA[Find Your Spark and Get Involved!]]> On Tuesday, January 21, the Center for Leadership and Service hosted the Spring 2025 Student Involvement Fair. From 12 to 4 pm in the Miron Student Center Atrium, all attending students were able to explore what clubs and organizations Kean University has to offer.  

Upon check-in, students were notified of all the student groups represented at the fair. After visiting at least five tables, they were rewarded with a bagel of their choice and a chance to play a fun game of Spin the Wheel in honor of National Bagel Day.  

Student groups present at the event included the Venezuelan Columbian Student Association Club, the Kean Crochet Club, National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW), Ecuadorian Student Association (ASECU), Girl Gains KU, Kean Catholics, KU Anime Society, and Greek organizations.  

Hope Gelvoligo, the Co-External Director of Public Relations of Filipinos Uniting Nations at Kean (F.U.N.K.) explained the intentions of their club. 

"This is the Filipino club here at campus and basically our purpose is to just teach everyone about Filipino culture. You don't have to be Filipino to join, it's open to everyone." 

Another set of inclusive organizations represented were Girl Gains KU, Kean Esports Club, and Kean Unified Sports. They presented information to get more students involved recreationally.

Kimberly Rosado, the President of Girl Gains Kean University detailed what new members can look forward to. 

"We are Girl Gains at Kean University. We are a nationwide club. We are here to empower women and get women comfortable in the gym, provide a safe place for anyone there no matter who you are, what you do, what you like to do [...] we do Pilates, yoga, weightlifting. We talk about nutrition, and we host meetings." 

Many students attended the fair in hopes of discovering organizations that will spark their interests and help them meet people who share similar pursuits. 

Catherine Dustin, a sophomore and History major from Garwood shared that she came to the event to preview the clubs and organizations she would potentially join.

"I would just go straight to class [...] I need to get out there more you know see around campus. So, I figured it would be a great way to get involved, it's in the name." 

The Spring 2025 Involvement Fair was an exciting event that displayed the diversity of the university. With several options to choose from, students can comfortably find a way to get more involved at Kean. Hopefully, everyone found their spark!  


<![CDATA[Exploring Countries through EPCOT at Kean!]]> The Kean P.U.L.S.E. Programming Board welcomed students back for the Spring semester with a fun and exciting Epcot at Kean event. On Monday, January 13 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., students had the chance to explore different buildings of the Kean campus while enjoying delicious refreshments.  

On the day of the event, Kean P.U.L.S.E. revealed six locations where students can engage in the culture of a specific country and receive a complimentary T-shirt. The locations included Harwood Arena, MSC Atrium, the Viser Room of the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons, Hynes Building, Greenlane Lobby, and East Campus. All students were welcomed to indulge in the cultural foods and experience the customs of the country represented, like authentic coffee from Italy in Harwood Arena and the breathtaking Northern Lights of Norway in the Viser Room. 

Nala Washington, a sophomore and Exercise major from Williamstown stated why she decided to take part in the event. 

"I was just in the Miron Student Center, and I saw it. I know Kean P.U.L.S.E. usually has like interesting activities, so I just thought I'd see what it was about." 

Of the many tables in the Atrium, the United Kingdom table was decorated with tea and shortbread fingers representing the customs of the country.

Jordyn Parker, a junior and Speech Pathology major from Bloomfield shared what she was most excited to see at Epcot at Kean. 

"The different cultures and countries that you could learn from and see, especially the UK which is pretty cool." 

Ana Ortiz, a sophomore and Psychology major from Union City explored Epcot at Kean based on previous fun events hosted on campus. 

"It just looked fun. It's a good event to go to on the first day. See new people and just have fun. I like the events on campus, it's always something interesting." 

She also shared what she was looking forward to. 

"There were corndogs in East Campus...that seemed really cool, and the Northern Lights were really cool in the library."

Students walked into a dark room illuminated by projector screens showcasing the mesmerizing blue and green lights of Norway.

Giavonni Boyd, a freshman and Psychology major from Avenel stated the foods and drinks she enjoyed during her Kean travels. 

"I've tried shortbread cookies; I got some of the tea. I was really excited to try the Moroccan rose it sounds very extravagant. 

Similar to the United Kingdom table, the Moroccan section displayed delicious tea in beautiful teacups.

Epcot at Kean was a great event to kick off the new semester. Students traveled the world while on campus reuniting with friends, experiencing different cultures, and creating more memories. 

<![CDATA[Microsoft 365 Migration]]> On Tuesday, November 26 the Student Government Association of Kean University along with the Office of Student Government and the Graduate Student Government of Kean University hosted the Microsoft 365 Migration. This event was held in the Cougar's Den from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Students had the opportunity to share their concerns and learn more about the movement from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365. 

The migration to Microsoft 365 comes at a time when preparation and the necessary tools are needed for life beyond college. The university believes that the movement will prepare students for the workforce. 

The members of the Kean IT department explained that Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 are similar and the migration for students will take place from January to February 2025. It is important for students to note that their documents will not be deleted but copied over to the new platform and their emails will be the same.  

Microsoft 365 has many upsides such as more storage which includes 100 GB for Outlook and 1 TB for One Drive. There is also an increase in security and unity between everyone on the campus community. Students can also customize their settings to look like Google if they dislike the default Microsoft settings.  

In addition, students are welcome to download the Microsoft apps or just access the apps through their web base versions.  

Everyone in the Kean community must migrate to Microsoft 365. If students fail to do so, they will not receive emails or files needed for their academics and communication. 

If students still have questions or concerns about the transition, they can book an appointment in the Technology Building from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. or visit www.kean.edu/m365 for videos and self-guided learning.  

<![CDATA[Muslim Student Association Charity Ball]]> On Monday, November 25 the Muslim Student Association hosted their Charity Ball in Room 228 of the Miron Student Center. From 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., the Muslim Student Association gathered together for a selfless cause. 

Ameena Mohassib, a Biology Health Professions major and junior from Brooklyn, New York stated the purpose of this event. 

"We're just having a Charity Ball event for the Muslim Student Association. We're trying to raise money for the less fortunate. It's been going great." 

Mardhiat Ajetunmobi, a Biotechnology major and sophomore from Newark shared the significance of the Charity Ball. 

"We're having a Charity Ball to raise funds for charity to help humanitarian causes around the world and to just give back to the community," said Ajetunmobi. 

"Charity is a very big part. We have five pillars of Islam like five things that make you a Muslim and charity is a really big part of it...The more you give, the more you have in your pocket, the wealthier you get. And it's very important for us as Muslims, it's a part of our religion, it's a part of our faith to give back as much as we can." 

Bobbi Perry, a Computer Science major and junior from Irvington shared why he came to the event. 

"Actually, it's because my friend asked me to come with her. However, I'm never against going somewhere that will teach me something about a culture or religion I'm not a part of, as long as I'm allowed of course. I learned a lot and the food is good as I expected." 

Perry shared what he learned. 

"I learned about how deeds are viewed like the way of a deed. If you have less but you give all that you got or as much as you can, it's much heavier than saying - like the example he gave is if you're only a millionaire, you only gave fifty dollars while if you only had like ten dollars and you gave five how that weighs more which makes sense but I didn't know in terms of Islam how it worked exactly." 

The association also had plenty of food for the guests to indulge in. They were able to raise money for people in need and proudly represent their religion. The night ended on a great note with the people a part of the Muslim Student Association taking pictures and educating others about their faith.  

<![CDATA[Kean Scholarship Opportunities]]> On Tuesday, December 3 the Office of Scholarship Services, Office of Student Retention and Educational Innovation, and the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons hosted the Scholarship Services Breakfast in the Lobby of the Center for Academic Success (CAS).  

From 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. students interacted with different organizations to learn more about scholarship opportunities while enjoying a full breakfast spread.  

There were also other organizations such as the First Gen Mentoring Program and the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons tabling to inform students about the programs and resources available for assistance. Kean students were also rewarded with Kean merch and candy from playing a fun game of Spin the Wheel. 

Yurisa Santos, Associate Director of Scholarship Services and one of the coordinators of the event shared their purpose.  

"Today's event is to promote our scholarship application. So, it's a Kean University Foundation Scholarship Application. It opened up December 1st with a priority deadline of March 1st. We wanted to make an event to let students know that we are on campus," shared Santos. 

"We also want to help students; we want to connect students with scholarships. And then we also took the opportunity to collaborate with the Retention Office and with Nancy Commons as well just to bring to awareness because they have some great resources as well and a lot of students may not know about it. We just wanted to spread the word and promote our application." 

The scholarship is open to all students and applications will still be accepted after the March 1st deadline as long as funding allows.  

Many of the students walked away with more knowledge about the available scholarships and programs for academic guidance and support. 

For more information or questions about the scholarship application, students can visit the 1st floor of the Administration Building or go to www.kean.edu/scholarships. Students can also email the department at scholarships@kean.edu.  

<![CDATA[Homecoming 2024: Kean 2K!]]> Kean 2K Homecoming Week 2024 was filled with fun and memories for the Kean community. From September 30 to October 5, Kean students and alumni enjoyed several activities displaying Cougar spirit. Keanu Breakfast, Bingo Brunch, the President's Sneaker Ball, Karaoke with Keanu, Keanu Kade, Homecoming Concert, Pep Rally, and Homecoming Tailgate and Game.  

Students delighted in a delicious early morning meal from Keanu Breakfast on Monday to kick-off the week and enjoyed playing games during Bingo Brunch the next day. While students were playing games like "X Marks the Spot," they were able to eat burgers, mozzarella sticks, waffles, chicken fingers, and eggs.   

Alyssa Jones, a Public Health major and junior from Piscataway, shared that she attended Bingo last semester and what she enjoyed about Bingo Brunch. 

"I enjoy the food. I enjoy the prizes, and I enjoy Bingo," said Jones. 

On Wednesday, Kean students and staff were delighted to share their voices during Karaoke with Keanu. With a DJ, a ministage, projections and TVs around the room, the activity was a great and interactive way to get students excited for and involved with Kean's 2024 Homecoming.

Isaiah Blue, a Music major and junior from Linden, shared his enjoyment for the event and even participated in Karaoke himself.

"It's good to see different genres of songs and styles of singing," he said. "I sang heartbreak anniversary [by Giveon]... this is a really cool event," said Blue.

There was a variety of songs, such as My Girl by Mindless Behavior, Anniversary by Tony! Toni! Toné! and Best Thing I Never Had by Beyoncé got the crowd hype and singing along. 

Another student, Laurie Theodule, a graduate Public Relations major also from Linden openly showed her enthusiasm for the event and shared her excitement for the rest of homecoming weekend.

"I am [ready for homecoming weekend], I did the fashion show [sneakball] and I am ready for the tailgate!" she said.

Karaoke with Keanu was all in all a great event that encouraged everyone to get involved with campus events and celebrate homecoming with one another.

On Friday, many Kean students attended the Pep Rally. Students participated in games like musical chairs, knockout, and tug of war. There was pizza, refreshments, cotton candy, and fried Oreos for participants to eat. Students were given free Kean merch like mini footballs, towels, and t-shirts.   

Samantha Nyitrai, a History Education major and freshman from South Brunswick, shared why she came to the Pep Rally. 

"It's close to home and they have a dance team that I get to be a part of," said Nyitrai.  

She also stated what she was looking forward to most. "Probably watching everyone like be funny and make a fool of themselves." 

Emily Wyskowski, an Elementary Education major and senior from Brick, came to the Pep Rally to watch the dance performance by Kean Dance Theatre.  

"I'm here to support my friends who are in Kean Dance Theatre and watch them perform," said Wyskowski.  

Students like Phoenix Stokes, a junior Political Science major and Criminal Justice minor from Philadelphia, was excited to be at the event was looking forward to the fun.

"I'm having fun, it's good to be here with my team, I do track and so it's good to be here with them," said Stokes. "I'm just here to have some fun and see some games, see some competition going on."

Alicia Garcua, a junior Early Childhood Education major, also voiced her enthusiasm and was happy to be enjoying her time with her fellow Cougars. 

"I am definitely [enjoying the event so far] cause I'm around a bunch of my classmates and I'm liking the vibe," Garcia said. "And I'm looking forward to seeing the dancers."

All of the events throughout the week allowed students to celebrate Homecoming and their Kean pride.

Read about the Homecoming Game and Homecoming Concert with Flo'Rida.

<![CDATA[Color Me Pink! Breast Cancer Canvas Making]]> On Tuesday, October 8 the Center for Leadership and Service hosted Canvas Coloring for Breast Cancer. From 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. students were able to create their own canvases in the Greek Lounge of the Miron Student Center.  

Danielle Fostek, a freshman and Biology major from Jackson shared why she decided to come to the event. 

"Well, I love doing art and my dad is a Fire Fighter, so I've worked with Breast Cancer stuff before. They do a fundraiser that I've also volunteered at. So, I wanted to come by and try to make some art for the event." 

She also explained what she drew on her canvas and the meaning of it. 

"I drew the breast cancer symbol with the words 'No one fights alone,' with some plants around it because the plants are growing. So, it shows that life can continue on like even though you might be struggling now, and they're all like working together in nature." 

Carla Varner, a senior and English Education major from Elizabeth detailed a personal story that connects her to the cause. 

"My mother was a cancer survivor. So, this is something that is near and dear to my heart. And I wanted to be able to show support in any way that I could." 

Mariela Rose, a sophomore and Forensic Psychology major from Deerfield, Massachusetts stated the significance of educating others about breast cancer. 

"My aunt died of breast cancer...You know there are a lot of different types of cancer, and I think that being a woman and having breast cancer is really impactful on identity," stated Rose.  

"There's a big community around having cancer and what that means to somebody and getting to remission if that's even possible, and just the hope and the prospect of surviving and what that means to people. It's really important and should be celebrated." 

Here at Kean University, the organizations and students take the month of October to honor and raise awareness about Breast Cancer. The month is filled with fun and heartwarming events that raise awareness about the health condition and express our compassion with encouraging messages.  

Students designed and colored canvases in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

<![CDATA[Pick a Pumpkin, Any Pumpkin ]]> On Monday, October 28th, the Office of Student Government, the Student Government Association of Kean University, and the Graduate Student Government of Kean University hosted the Pumpkin Patch at the Cougar Greens. From 1 to 4 p.m., students were able to use their creativity to decorate pumpkins and take pictures near the scarecrows and hay bales with their friends. 

The Cougar Greens was filled with tables for students to sit and accessorize their pumpkins while listening to some Halloween themed music. Once Cougars checked in to the event, they were able to pick out a pumpkin of their choice from the many pumpkins laid out on the grass. Many students decorated their pumpkins with markers and stickers creating cats, bats, and silly pumpkin faces. 

Krystal Matos, freshman and Psychology major from Elizabeth, took this event as an opportunity to create memories with her friends. 

"I thought it was a cute idea, so I decided to come with friends." 

Amarylis Rodriguez, senior and Biology in Health Professions major from Woodbridge Township stated why she decided to attend the Pumpkin Patch. 

"I decided to come so I can de-stress from the semester so I'm really enjoying myself right now." 

She also shared how she decorated her pumpkin. 

"I'm putting on like a girly pumpkin. She has like lashes and blush on." 

Joshua Cherres, freshman and History Education major from Belleville also came to the Pumpkin Patch to do something memorable. 

"I haven't been to a Pumpkin Patch in years so I felt like it would be a good memory to be here." 

Bianca Evans, freshman and History Education major, from Scotch Plains enthusiastically shared her love for pumpkins.  

"I'm obsessed with pumpkins, and I love how cute they look when I decorate them." 

Evans detailed how she embellished her pumpkin. 

"I used some of the stickers provided and one of the stickers has a worm coming out of the eyes, so I named her Lady Wormington." 

Several students enjoyed decorating their pumpkins and having a wonderful time with friends. The Pumpkin Patch was a fun event that helped students to relax, enjoy the beautiful fall weather, and create new memories. 

Students take a picture with their decorated pumpkins. 

<![CDATA[Diversity of Colors]]> On Tuesday, October 22nd, the Kean P.U.L.S.E. Programming Board hosted Diversity of Colors in Downs Hall. From 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Kean students were able to visit different parts of the world and discover foods and drinks that belonged to a particular culture.   

Students were welcomed to a room filled with tables that represented various regions of the world. Kenya, Guyana, Turkey, Ghana, Ireland, and Nepal were featured during the event. Each table shared something different. For instance, Kenya's table displayed artwork from Wangechi Mutu, a Kenyan sculptor, Ireland offered colcannon, cookies, and Barry's Tea, and Nepal had virtual reality for students to experience. 

Angelica Pena, a Graphic Design major and freshman from Somerset explained why she decided to attend the event. 

"It kind of catch my eye. I thought it was gonna be about colors then I was like oh, it's a culture event. So, I wanted to see what you guys were representing." 

Cynthia Chang, a Communications major and freshman from Boonton was curious about the cultures present at Diversity of Colors. 

"I heard that they were talking about cultures, so I wanted to come see what it was about." 

She also stated which country she's found the most compelling. 

"I like the Ireland one. It seemed interesting." 

While some students were visiting different parts of the world, others were playing games for a chance to win prizes. Students had to spin the wheel and answer a question related to various cultures to win a prize of their choice like stuffed animals, lip balms, pins, markers, or Kean branded fanny packs. 

Abenna Frimpomaa, a Public Health major and sophomore from Ghana was excited to see her country represented at the event. 

"My country is here, Ghana, so I just came to see what's going on out here." 

Beatriz De Oliveira Girelli, a Psychology major and sophomore from Brazil detailed something valuable she has learned from the event.  

"That all cultures matter, and everyone has a different culture." 

Kean University emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity and the different cultures that make up our campus. The Diversity of Colors event was a representation of that principle. 

<![CDATA[It's Candy Season, Not Flu Season!]]> On Tuesday, October 15 the Kean Wellness Center hosted Get Candy not the Flu in the Miron Student Center Greek Lounge. From 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., students were able to receive a free flu vaccine. The Student Health Services partnered with the Union County Department of Health to provide not only students but also staff and faculty with vaccines whether insured or uninsured.  

Chimaobi Odumuko, an Immunizing Pharmacist of the Kean Wellness Center explained the objective of the event. 

"Today, we are doing a flu clinic, myself and my coworker Taylor Williams. We are both in charge of the Wellness Center's Immunization Program...We have Union County here to help vaccinate students, faculty, and staff," stated Odumuko. 

 "We did one last month, one this month, and then next month we'll do one right before the holidays to see as many students and faculty and staff that will like to get vaccinated before they travel to home and visit family members. We're the Wellness Center so our goal is to make sure that everyone is healthy and protected." 

Many students took advantage of the services provided by the Kean Wellness Center. Last month, about 80 people registered and received the flu vaccine. Also, the university is a part of the New Jersey College & University Flu Challenge which has the purpose of raising vaccine rates among students. 

Rosario Chavez Mayoral, a sophomore and Biology major from Elizabeth stated why she decided to participate in the event. 

"Well right now I'm not insured. So having the ability to get a vaccine was great from the university. So, you know I thought why not just come down here and get my vaccine. I finally have it, I feel a little bit better now, so I won't get the flu." 

Breanna Hernandez, a graduate student and Public Administration major, detailed why it was important for her to take advantage and register for the vaccine. 

"I actually was really sick with COVID a couple of weeks ago. It was all flu-like symptoms, so it took me back to the last time I got the flu, and it just reminded me like I needed to get vaccinated, so I didn't get sick again. And then I got the email so I'm here." 

The Kean Wellness Center was able to treat students to a sweet treat while educating them on the positive impact of receiving a flu vaccine. The event was a success with many people from the Kean community participating in the challenge and prioritizing their health and well-being.  

<![CDATA[HOCO 24: Welcome to Kean's House!]]> On Tuesday, October 1st the Kean Community showed up in their finest footwear at the President's Inaugural Sneaker Ball hosted by the President's Advisory Council and the Kean P.U.L.S.E. Programming Board at Harwood Arena. From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., attendees proudly wore their favorite sneakers showcasing their distinctive sense of style. The theme "Rep Every Step" was undoubtedly represented by every student and staff member.  

After students received their Kean merch at check-in, they were welcomed to a Kean Blue Carpet and backdrops on each side of the carpet for picture moments. There was also a section where people could take a picture of their sneakers on a raised platform with the phrase "Rep Every Step" in the background. Once the event started, models were able to walk the sneaker runway in front of a panel of judges for a chance to win prizes.  

President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D., shared the significance of the Sneaker Ball.  

"I'm excited about today. I think that today is an example of celebrating our cultural diversity here at Kean University," stated Repollet. 

"When you wear a sneaker- I'm a sneaker head- it's a demonstration and it shows everyone your style...At Kean University, each individual is different and we've created this environment, this ecosystem where people come on campus and feel safe about who they are."  

The President also shared his favorite pair of sneakers.  

"My favorite pair of sneakers right now might be the ones that I'm wearing today right now. They're the Equality Sneakers by LeBron James because I'm talking about diversity and they're black and white. So, it's a pair, one black, one white shoe. And I think it's appropriate to wear for today." 

After the Kean cheer team performed, there was a special guest performance by Zeddy Will and JerseyyJoe. The crowd certainly enjoyed dancing on the runway with them and participating in a dance battle.  

At the end of the night, free Kean branded sneakers were given to students, the winners of the of the Sneaker Ball Contest were named, and each participant was given a gift card.  

On Thursday, October 3rd, Flo Rida performed for this year's Homecoming Concert. Hundreds of students filled Wilkins Theatre highly anticipating a night full of nostalgia and memories.  

Emma Toledo, Mathematics major and freshman from West Orange shared why she came to the concert. 

"I thought it would be fun. My friends are all here, so I thought it was gonna be real nice and yeah, I hope it's hyped. I like concerts, I like seeing all this stuff live so I'm excited for that."  

Lia Trenery, a STEM Math Education major and freshman from Port Reading hoped that Flo Rida would perform one of her favorite songs. 

"Definitely Low, because I'm wearing UGG boots tonight for the song." 

Anthony Dotto, Early Childhood Education major and junior from Woodbridge looked forward to enjoying his first concert. 

"It's my first ever concert. Flo Rida was always an artist I liked." 

He also shared his favorite song from Flo Rida. 

"I liked Whistle for a while before it became a massive meme."  

Flo Rida performed several of his classics like Wild Ones, Move, Shake, Drop, and Low, and he brought another artist, Oya Baby, to perform her songs. He also autographed his sneakers and gave them to some people in the audience.  

Kean students enjoyed their time at the concert, even getting a chance to dance and sing with Flo Rida on stage. Everyone there was able to create fun memories that certainly added to the Kean 2K Homecoming experience! 


<![CDATA[Class of 2028 Packs Out Downs Hall for the Major Minor Exploration Fair]]> On Monday, October 21, the Center for Advising, Persistence and Success held their bi-annual Major and Minor Exploration Fair open to all Kean students in Downs Hall.

When entering, students were given a blank paper where 5 signatures from at least 5 tables would be placed. Committed to the challenge and wanting as much information as possible, Downs Hall became a maze of students taking in the resources on the majors available, minors and how to tailor them to your major and all the scholarship information and programs at Kean.

"I'm here to look at the different health programs that Kean offers and I'm also interested in criminal justice," said Arieana Asberry, a freshman here at Kean who is currently undecided. "Everything they offer is good, I'm just going around and seeing what I want to do."

The event was full of activity and students of all ages were present but a large number of them were Freshman, Class of 2028, the largest freshman class to attend Kean University. 

Class of 2028 has taken the advice of faculty and upperclassmen and are taking advantage of all Kean has to offer, from clubs to wellness resources and now major, minor and scholarship resources.

"I want to learn about more fields that are related to my major that I could minor in," said Sean Conway, a Freshman, Cell and Molecular Biology major."I only been to one table so far and it seems like there is a wide variety and everything has something to do with a major, I just went to the architecture table and they told me that there are ways architecture and medicine connect."

Another student who was interested in major and minor services Taylor Cassidy talked about her experience at the exploration fair as well.

"I'm interested in finding a minor that fits in with what I want to do.. I've looked into Criminology and Business Management just in case something doesn't work out or if I want to start my own practice," said Cassidy, a freshman Biology major

Downs Hall was a great place for the packed event which also included refreshments and snacks like chips, soda, water and snack bars. There was also a raffle in which students had the chance to win some Kean swag.

Not every student was there looking for majors and minors but some were also very interested in the Research programs.

"Since I'm in education with a concentration in English I don't get a minor but I know there's stuff other than major and minor information here," said Hailey Bressard, a freshman Education K-12 English major. "The research table was very interesting, I've always liked research and research and English go hand in hand and they have programs over the Summer and that sounds fun."

The Major and Minor Exploration Fair was an interactive and informative experience, it was great to see Kean's freshman utilize the school's resources while enhancing and further practicing the skills needed in their professional careers.

Class of 2028 will be a force to be reckoned with, their affinity for research and learning keeps us hopeful for the future.

<![CDATA[An Afternoon Of Mystery, Career Tips and Candy]]> On Thursday, October 17, students gathered on the first floor of the Nancy Thompson Library for Career Trick-or-treating with Kean Pulse. 

Imposter Insights: Career Trick-or-Treat was an interactive Halloween event where students learned interview tips, took career tests to narrow down their future paths and practiced networking to figure out who the 3 imposters in the crowd were.

"[This has been] beneficial, they have a lot of stuff to get you ready for a career, internships and really getting to see what your career field is like and seeing what you want to do, said Quintin Duverece, a freshman Communications and Film major.

There were three tables at the event, besides the activities mentioned, there was also a spin-the-wheel game where students received a work scenario and answered based on their own understanding of job etiquette and simple policy.

There was also a table dedicated to giving students resources on Kean's Career Service's where students can receive resume tips and search for internships and job opportunities through.

"I learned where to get my resume updated if I need to," said Kinaysha Lorenzo, a junior Architecture major and another one of the imposters who took their role seriously. "I'm enjoying the theme and all the things they have available."

Upon check-in, attendees were given a small checklist showing each table they had to attend in order to fully participate in the overall activity of locating the 3 imposters and understanding the task of networking.

Students quickly learned how bold they had to be in the workplace and the importance of conversational skills in order to get more information from whomever they were speaking to. And all students who figured out at least one imposter received a Kean fanny pack.

Overall, all attendees walked away with resources and skills geared toward setting them up for success in the professional world.

"Internship season's coming up and …  so there's interview do's and don'ts and elevator pitch all these resources here are designed to help students with finding a career that matches their interest," said Nikita Kunte a junior Psychology and Psych Rehab who works with Kean Pulse and happened to be one of the imposters of the afternoon. "So I'm hoping students get as much as possible from this." 

<![CDATA[You Are Not Alone: Spreading Awareness and Breaking the Stigma for World Mental Health Day ]]> On Thursday, October 10, the Human Rights Institue and Holocaust Resource Center hosted an informational gathering in the Miron Student Center Atrium to show students various ways to express themselves and cope with their mental distress. 

"One of the things that we can do is make them [college students] aware of the the different resources in our county that can help them," said Julie Donohue, a volunteer with the National Alliance on Mental Health. 

The National Alliance on Mental Health or NAMI, is a nationwide organization whose mission is to change the general public's perspective on mental health and make sure people dealing with mental illness and other things have the correct resources to sustain their health.

NAMI has various smaller organizations in New Jersey including, support groups, groups for Black, Latinx, Asian and Indigenous people and groups for people part of the LGBTQ community.

Other help resources there included a way for students to use their faith as an outlet.

"Some of the resources here are how religion and spirituality can impact your mental health," said Lucia Pasternak, who is the Catholic Campus Minister for Kean. "Not everyone comes from a faith background…but I definetly believe that sometimes faith and psychology can go together.

Students were grateful for the resources as well as the acknowledgement of World Mental Health Day.

"I only found out about it [World Mental Health Day] today when I walked in," said Sophia Nazzaro, a senior Environmental Science major at Kean who also had her own story to share."I have a therapist and make sure I have some balance, enough sleep, enough human interaction, that I eat enough and sometimes that does mean I'm gonna have to skip out homework you know, sometimes you have to make decisions that are good for your mental health."

And many students agree with Nazzaro's sentiment in regards to making decisions surronounding mental health. Tazire Cadet, a senior Sociology minor in Criminal Justice major who uses massage therapy to relieve his mindset encourages students to take risks and to avoid self-isolation.

"Some people have it harder than others and I say, go outside, have fun, make friends, we're in college and doing this for years, take risks now, don't stay in!" He said, "Friends and family are important and continue to put yourself first."

It was a beautiful and intimate event, with small giveaways rewarding students with stickers, candy and fidget toys. For religious students, there was a place where you could write a prayer, and a board for affirmations and manifestations. There were resources and outlets for everyone struggling mentally with the main goal of spreading awareness and breaking the stigma on mental health. 

"The most importan thing is just to let them [college students] know they're not alone and I think Kean is remarkable in the way they support students' mental health," said Donohue. "We all have mental health some days it's in good shape, somedays it's not in good shape, the more we learn and care for each other, it's a better future for everybody."

<![CDATA[Watering Campus Success: Discovering the Roots of Our Resources]]> On Thursday, September 5, 2024, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., the Cougar Connections Center of Social Work held a back-to-school event showcasing ways all students can use Kean's student support services on and off campus. They engaged with students through music, food, games and giveaways.

Students filled in quickly, using their Cougar Link event passes to check in at a booth supervised by student workers. After check-in, students were given a small activity map with a list of different activities and all the booths at the event. 

"My favorite part has to be the Rita's Italian ice!" said Mariam Abdelwahed, a sophomore, Psychology student.

Many of the booths did small giveaways where students received items like t-shirts, tote bags, stress balls, pins, and small Kean athletics traffic cones. 

Attendees were also excited to see candy, ice pops, food and the Rita's booth which ran out just 30 minutes into the event.

"I just got here and I'm excited to get a free tote bag, that's what I'm currently in line for," said Anaya Milian-Cruz, a senior Environmental Science major.  

The music truly set the mood and the campus was lively with small dance parties, chatter and singing.

"I'm enjoying it [the event] really well, my favorite part is getting to be able to talk to people and getting to know all the services they have and all the job opportunities they give on campus," said Jayden River, a freshman Business Management major.

The event showcased several student support services such as Financial Aid, Student Accounting, the Registrar's office, Scholarships and Health Services.

Cougar Connections' Associate Director, Dr. Heather Chelton considered the event a success, noting that the campus was booming with excitement and new relationships and all information was well received by the students.

"There's a great turnout, students are happy they're getting educated about the different services and supports to them on campus they're enjoying the weather, the DJ, it has been great so far and it's just getting started," said Dr. Chelton.

<![CDATA[A Celebration of Rhythm and Cuisine for Hispanic Heritage Month]]> On Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 7 p.m. students gathered at Downs Hall for a night of food and fun to celebrate their heritage and show community with Kean's Latin and Hispanic community for Hispanic Heritage Month. 

The line into the event stretched far past Downs Hall's doors, students were eager and excited to represent their heritage coming in groups to join in on the wait and ready for what the night had in store.

Kean Pulse lit up the night with colorful lights and classic songs. Students were provided tickets for food and dessert and a small checklist for the four different stations that were presented. There was a Jewelry station, Grab Your Flag station, Spin for a Fun Fact and Loteria station. Attendees were allowed to go to any station of their choice, in exchange for a pass for food and dessert.

"My favorite food [from my country]? Encebollado," said Joselyn Monotoa, a first-year Biology Health Professions major from Ecuador. "It's just good."

Food is the way to the heart, and once students got it in their system, the party truly picked up. Popular Latin and Hispanic foods such as nachos, burritos and tacos all with chicken, beef and veggie options, desserts like fran, tres leche, and churros and snacks like dried watermelon and mango with sauce. What better way to celebrate your culture than with a good dish?

"[My favorite dish is} mangú and salami," said Katianna Perez, a first-year Psychology major representing the Dominican Republic. "I just really like how my mom makes it."

Sadly, there weren't any dishes like mangu and encebollado made by someone's grandma or mom, but students enjoyed it so much that the hot food table had to be refilled thrice.

"Oh my God, sancocho is the best thing ever … my grandma used to make it a lot, it was one of the first things she learned how to cook," said Leandro Cuevas, a second-year education major also representing the Dominican Republic.

And after a wonderful performance by New Jersey Salsa full of groovy beats and swaying hips, students gravitated to the dance floor. Although no Spanish guitar or bongos was being played in person, the DJ played popular songs like La Boda by Aventura and Los Cabareces by El Rubio Acordeón which incorporated Latin instruments that made the most contagious beats, getting more students involved in the party on the dance floor. There was bachata, salsa, and a conga line and the event wrapped up with the macarena.

"My favorite part [of Hispanic Heritage Month] is that I can remember where I come from. I feel so proud to be here representing my culture and sharing it with the people here on campus," added Cuevas.

It was truly an event for the books, students waved their flags in the air as they enjoyed the music and fellowship. Kean Pulse's Noche Latina proves that finding your community produces a good time.

"I love the food, I love the people and I love the cultures," said Aaliyah Roseme-Hamilton, an exercise science major with a minor in public health. "We know how to have a good time.

<![CDATA[Wagging Fur Wellness!]]> On Tuesday, September 24th, the Communications and Marketing for Student Affairs department and Kean Wellness Center hosted Wagging Fur Wellness on the Miron Student Center Cougar Lawn. From 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., students were able to meet and play with adorable pups. Wagging Fur Wellness gave students the opportunity to play with our fur friends and take a break from everyday stresses. All attendees were also welcomed to a free professional photo taken of them with the dogs by the Cougar's Byte photographers.  

Kristina Spencer, a Bio Tech major and junior from Paterson stated why she decided to attend the event.  

"Well, to be quite frank, I really love dogs, and wherever there are dogs here, I'm also there." 

Other students like Litzy Ochoa, Architecture major and freshman from Trenton, see dogs to enhance their overall self-care and wellness.  

"They bring me happiness, like a little comfort. It's always like, just looking at one, I'm happy or even petting them. Like even when you're walking on the street, and you see a little dog and you get to pet them it's always so fun and cute." 

Eric Tayler, a Theatre Performance major and senior from Succasunna explained what dogs do for his overall wellness. 

"They're just one of the ways that I experience joy, it's the best way I can put it. They're just like something that puts a smile on my face, and I think we all need that in life, just things to smile at even if they're small. It helps." 

He also shared how he defines wellness. 

"Wellness to me is just the different areas you can take care of yourself in whether it's physical, emotional, mental. We wanna be doing things for ourselves that overall improve our daily lives." 

Tyler Cooke, an Architecture major and freshman from Southampton used this event to de-stress. 

"It's a puppy. I just really wanted to like calm down. Sometimes I get a little over-stressed so I thought it would be nice to go like pet a dog and de-stress. I also have two dogs at home so it's just like a de-stress moment." 

Not only were students able to have a great time with the dogs, but they were also able to grab tote bags and giveaways that help cope with stress. This special event had the purpose of giving Kean students a chance to relax, unwind, and prioritize their self-care this semester. 

<![CDATA[True Beauty: A Time of Self-Expression and Self-Love]]> On Tuesday, September 24th the Kean P.U.L.S.E. Programming Board and Kean Glam Club hosted True Beauty in the Miron Student Center Plaza. From 3:30 to 4:30 pm, students were welcomed to express their beauty in their own unique way and learn beauty tips at different tables. True Beauty featured tables that taught different beauty techniques and gave away fun cosmetic tools and tote bags.  

Abigaelle Thermitus, an Accounting major and sophomore from Irvington shared what part of makeup she's most interested in. 

"Lashes, lowkey. I feel like I really like nails too, but I feel like I don't have the skill for it yet. Those are the main two." 

Simi Chavan, an Exercise Science major and freshman from Bridgewater stated why she decided to attend the event. 

"I just thought it was very interesting and like I'm really into glamour and stuff, so I wanted to see like what it was about." 

She also shared her favorite part about makeup. 

"Lip gloss definitely." 

Other students like junior and Fine Arts major, Mackenzie Frazier from Union, appreciate that makeup encourages creative abilities.  

"My favorite part about makeup is that it is so fun, it's an artistic expression." 

When asked what she loved most about the makeup process, Bianca Santos, an Architect major and junior from Union expressed that she loves the idea of limitless self-expression. 

"That you can do whatever you want, be creative with it. It's no restrictions with it." 

Students were able to make their own hair masks, learn how to care for their skin depending on their skin type, master the technique of eyeshadow application, create nail designs, and learn the steps to nail care. Each station offered all beauty lovers different supplies like gua shas, face masks, eyeshadow palettes, and nail care kits. Once students visited each table, they were able to eat a sweet treat at the Desert Cone Table and drink refreshing mocktails. 

True Beauty had a great turnout with many beauty enthusiasts eager to learn more about self-care and beauty techniques. This event advocated for self-love and the expression of all forms of beauty. 


<![CDATA[When Do I Start? Fall 2024 Career & Internship Fair ]]> On Tuesday, September 24th the Office of Residence Life and Career Services hosted the Fall 2024 Career, Internship, and Part-Time Job Fair at Harwood Arena. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., students were able to visit many tables and network with employers.  

Upon check-in, students were welcomed to light refreshments like sandwiches, cookies, coffee, and juice. Kean students also had the opportunity to create and rehearse their elevator pitch with Alumni.  

Wegmans, Delaware State Police, Azenta, Sherwin Williams, Red Bull, Atlantic Health System, American Dream, and Bright Achievements are just a few of the many companies present at the Career Fair. Hundreds of students came prepared with their questions, professional attire, and resumes.  

Brodie Berger, a Computer Science major and senior from Delanco shared why he decided to attend the Career Fair.  

"I was hoping to make connections and potentially progress towards getting an internship to help with my career." 

He also stated which table he was interested in.  

"I've been looking towards this Cybersecurity right here and I was prepping to go up and ask questions about it and officially get my name out there."  

Pibby Zepeda, a Studio Art major and freshman from Elizabeth, came to the fair for an opportunity for individual development.  

"I'm really interested in furthering my skills and growing as a person," said Zepeda. 

"And I think internships and careers and really figuring that stuff out and finding like what kind of things interest me would really help me with that and benefit me with that. Plus, there's so much information here and everyone is so like helpful and informative." 

She also shared something valuable that she learned from the event. 

"There's a lot of education resources here. Like, I really wanted to get into education, and I got so many emails and so many things to get myself started in that and I'm really excited." 

Nahuel Brittes, a History major and junior from Linden, explained that he was looking for internships in the courts because of his Pre-law minor. He also expressed why he is enthusiastic about studying law.  

"I just wanna help out my community. Law always interested me, so did history, but law a little more," shared Brittes. 

"I just like the interpretation of law, how the courts work, and how a good lawyer can help somebody out. I had a good lawyer help me out once and I think that was the driving force for me to want to become a lawyer actually." 

The Career Fair was a great event that offered helpful resources to Kean students of all classification levels and aimed to encourage students to network and create a foundation for their lives beyond college.  





<![CDATA[KU Blood Drive Fall 2024]]> On Monday, September 9, Kean University and the New Jersey/New York Blood Services joined each other in the act of giving blood to those in need. From 11am to 5pm, students were able to donate blood in the Miron Student Center, Room 228. Participants were welcomed to light refreshments like water, apple juice, chips, Oreos, and pretzels, after giving blood before resuming their normal activities and schedules. For many students, the unselfish act of donating blood is just another way for them to show compassion and kindness towards society, and for others, donating blood has a much more sentimental meaning.  

Olivia Handy-Nemeth, an Education major and junior from Somerset, explained why she decided to give blood.  

"So, my dad was severely injured a couple years ago, and he lost a lot of blood. So ever since then, I've been donating blood just to help give back and thank the people who helped him."  

Kate Budsock, a Psychology major and junior from Cranford, explained that she is a universal donor and as a result, she enjoys participating in the blood services.  

"I just like that I'm able to help a lot of people, even the ones I don't know that well." 

Students like Emily Lari, sophomore, and Business Management major from North Bergen, have donated multiple times when the Blood Services have come to Kean University.  

"I thought it was very important to save a life. I did this last semester, and I just want to help save lives and help everyone as much as possible." 

Robert Septon, a Comp Science and Engineering major and freshman from Springfield, explained why he got involved in the Blood Drive. 

"Well, I'm O positive and O positive is a very very helpful blood type to donate because it helps O positives, B positives, A positives, and AB positives. So, I thought it would be helpful to donate." 

He then expressed what it meant to him to give blood. 

"Well, if I'm able to donate, and other people can't donate or need the blood, it's good for me to just give because I have more than I need." 

As the first blood drive of the semester, the event successfully brought students together for a meaningful cause. We look forward to continued participation and hope to see even more students donate and volunteer in future drives to make a lasting impact on the community. Kean University's involvement with Blood Services highlights its commitment to helping others and exemplifies compassion and kindness within the community.  




Students participating in the September blood drive.

<![CDATA[Unpacking the Possiblities, Welcome Home Kean Residents]]> On August 28 and September 3, there were yellow bins and students everywhere as Kean University volunteers demonstrated their love of community and assisted the freshmen and upperclassmen moving into the residence halls.

The first day of move-ins, welcomed mainly the incoming freshmen and transfer students moving into Freshman, Cougar and Bartlett Halls. The day started early, with cars lining up for the second year of the drive-through process. 

"Due to the success of the inaugural move-in drive-though last year, we have made slight modifications to increase the productivity and experience to welcome over 550 students," said Arion Jamerson, Student Affairs, Director of Communications and Marketing.

As the cars entered the parking lot, they were greeted by a cheer squad as they checked in to get in for the drive-through line. As the cars moved through the line, they were given snacks, water, and smiles by Kean volunteers. Once in front of the residence hall, more volunteers helped students unload the vehicles to move the items up directly to their rooms.

The drive-through required the student to have a second person to drive the car and park after they unloaded the vehicle. Those students who came by themselves were still able to move in by unloading in the Vaugh-Eames or Kean Hall lots and then walking over to the residence halls. All resident hall students also had the option this year to make an appointment to drop off items in their suites prior to the move-in days.

The second day of move-ins was for the upperclassmen resident students moving into the Quad (Burch, Rogers, and Sozio Halls) and Upperclassman Hall.

"We are delighted with the successful and efficient move-in of our 405 upperclassmen residents. This year, we implemented a deliberate approach to streamline the process, ensuring a smooth transition for our students and their families. By allowing families to drive directly to their residence halls and into the quads, we reduced wait times and created a more welcoming and convenient experience," said Punit Patel, Director of Residence Life.

The move-in shifts began at 7:30 a.m. with about 70 student volunteers to uplift upperclassmen residents and help transport any items to the residence halls. 

"Last semester was my first semester actually, I transferred last Spring. I didn't live here, so I'm moving in for the first time and I'm pretty excited about that," said Greg Grasso, a junior Communications Media and Film major moving into Rogers Hall.

He wasn't the only one excited as many students and families journeyed across campus, laughing and smiling as they made their way to the residence halls and back. The first shift ended at about 11 a.m. when the campus went from being very demure and mindful to busy and bustling with movement.

The second shift began at 10:30 a.m., which consisted of about 80 student volunteers, the highest number of volunteers of the day. This is when the sun shined a bit brighter, and the temperature rose, allowing the students to take advantage of the hydration stations near Downs Hall for water bottles and a quick break. 

The majority of the stations were led by student volunteers. In addition to the hydration station, there were greeters along the route, multiple stations for directional support, and go-carts to assist anyone unable to walk far distances.

"I'm very excited [to be back], I'm looking forward to all of the new events on campus and I'm very excited [happy] that it's a very beautiful day to move in," said Marissa Gomez, an early childhood special education major graduating in 2025 who is moving into the Upperclassman Residence Hall.

As the day went on, a new group of students checked in at the gazebo near the tennis court. The last shift of the day went from 1:30 to 5 p.m., running through the second shift that ended at 2 p.m. All volunteers received a t-shirt, which helped to easliy identify the support team throughout the campus.

Over the two days, both move-ins were successful, leaving students and faculty satisfied and excited for the new semester. 

"We're excited to kick off another great year and look forward to seeing our students Live, Learn, and Thrive in their new spaces," said Director Patel.

<![CDATA[Keep Warm Cougars!]]> On Tuesday, November 19 the Kean community was welcomed to Share the Warmth in Downs Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Several organizations hosted the event including Cougar Connections Center of Social Work, Center for Leadership and Service, Office of Residence Life, Kean Athletics, Office of Student Retention and Educational Innovation, Cougar Pantry, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Kean Wellness Center. 

Downs Halls had racks and bins of clothes for students to choose from. Students also had the opportunity to enter a raffle to win prizes and eat food from wrap, fruit, and vegetable platters.

Aaliyah Robinson, Grant Coordinator for Cougar Connections Center of Social Work explained the purpose of the event. 

"This week is Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, so we decided to plan a shopping event for students here on campus to shop for new and gently used winter clothing items," stated Robinson. 

"So that's like hats, gloves, jackets, scarves, mittens, things like that. The reason why is because we know that there is a need for things and things can be expensive and sitting cold outside. So, we just wanted to warm up the Kean community." 

Keiry Escobar, a freshman and Architect major from Elizabeth shared why she decided to come to Share the Warmth. 

"To look for some new clothes. And because last semester, with my friends, we looked at this event too and we found a lot of beautiful clothes and we spent a fun time together, so I said why not again." 

Shiuli Roy, a freshman and Cellular Molecular Biology major from Edison appreciated the resources available on campus. 

"I decided to come to this event because it has very nice resources, especially now that Winter is coming, and I really did need an extra jacket," said Roy. 

"I picked up these shoes and I'm really happy I got them because most shoes do not look good, or they just don't fit me. These shoes are perfectly fitting me and I'm really grateful for that. I'm really grateful for Kean University organizing these events because they are really helpful." 

Kean University looks forward to opportunities that not only engage the Kean family but also involve giving back to those within our community. Share the Warmth was a successful event that was provided to help those within our campus community during this holiday season.  


<![CDATA[The Cougars Give Back for the Holidays]]> As the aftermath of Thanksgiving washes away, much of the world prepares for the longest holiday season of the year. The festivities for big holidays like Christmas, one of the most celebrated holidays in the world, begin.

Kean's Union campus is no different, but with the festive mood comes the spirit of generosity as the Fall semester concluded. Several organizations, clubs, and departments hosted 11 events during the month of December to give back to the community and help provide children, women, and families with holiday fun.

"I think getting involved is so important, and the best way to get involved is through community service," said Alex McGay, a sophomore, Elementary Education major and Secretary of Helping Younger Hands, a club focused on spotlighting the challenges that children face when they don't have the same privileges as some of their peers and helping them through service work.

McGay and the Helping Younger Hands teams hosted Operation Christmas Basket along with Kean's Student Government Association (SGA) on December 4. At the event, students helped wrap provided gifts, which were donated to Bernice's Place, an after-school and summer program that helps homeless and at-risk youth.

And the acts of kindness don't stop there. 

Just two days before, the Office of Campus Ministry would host another volunteering event where students could create cards for women and families in need who seek the help of Mercy House, a residence geared towards women who need shelter.

Many of the campus events would continue to be similar, like Operation Santa: Gift Wrapping and Volunteer Event presented by the Lesniak Institute for American Leadership, Bernice's Place Holiday Boutique and St. Joseph's Social Service Outreach Event, both hosted by Center for Leadership and Service (CLS), a vast source for civic engagement opportunities on campus.

In addition to gift wrapping, toy drives seem to become a popular way to give back on campus. Many campus organizations like Omega Phi Chi (OPC), National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), Chi Upsilon Sigma (CUS), and Theta Phi Alpha (TPA) hosted toy drive donations and bake sales to raise money and buy children gifts in need.

"I think that most of us are more privileged than we think, and it's good to give back to those in need," said Natalia Andeliz, a senior Global Business major and member of OPC, a multicultural sorority on campus. "I think it's amazing to see all the students that came to support our toy drive, and it just shows what we can do when we all come together."

Other holiday events included a Gingerbread House Workshop at the Liberty Hall Museum and Skating With Santa, both hosted by CLS and worked by student volunteers to help children get in on the holiday fun through creative activities and ice-skating.

The Holiday season is for community building, and Kean proves that a collective, its sense of unity only grows stronger. May the spirit of giving never leave the hearts of Kean's students, staff, and faculty. Happy Holidays Cougars!

<![CDATA[Welcome to the Cougar Family Class of 2028!]]> On August 30, Kean University welcomed its largest Freshman class, made up of about 2,000 students, to the inaugural Freshman Convocation. At 9 a.m., students gathered in the Miron Student Center Plaza for refreshments and check-in wearing khaki bottoms and baby blue Kean t-shirts.

"Good vibes, good times, meeting new people and seeing what connections I can make," said Kayla Exuma, freshman mathematics education major, when asked what she wanted most from the day.

Shortly after, the students proceeded to proudly march down Cougar Walk to Harwood Arena as staff, WKU students and student-athletes cheered them on. President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D., and the morning's speakers led the students toward the venue while the local East Orange Unified Marching Band played along. Onlookers cheered, recorded, and waved pom poms in excitement for the journey ahead. 

Vice President of Student Affairs, Kerrin Lyles was first to address the students as they settled in their seats. He quickly engaged everyone as he slipped in small jokes with encouraging words and challenged everyone to take as many selfies as possible in 30 seconds. He went on to advise students to get involved, taking advantage of all student groups and organizations on campus. 

The next speaker introduced was Provost David Birdsell, the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs.

"Be here and be engaged," said Provost Birdsell. He urged students to take risks and seize the day, that their success is just as important as their failure, and that's part of life. 

President Repollet then gave a compelling speech that encouraged the freshman class to visualize the end and foster positive relationships. He emphasized that the Class of 2028 was coming into a family, the Cougar Family, and utilized the university's saying, "Cougars Climb Higher." 

Makenzie Kuntz, President of the Student Government Association, advised the students to journal, not be hard on themselves, and to initiate meaningful conversations. She also stressed that it is up to the individual to make the most out of their college experience. After sharing words of hope and encouragement, Kuntz played a game with the freshman class that tested their Kean knowledge in hopes of winning prizes. 

At the end of the ceremony, the Class of 2028 held up their commemorative keychain and recited the class pledge.

"I hope that they were inspired," said Celina Luna, a senior speech-language-hearing science major. "A lot of the speakers emphasized being involved and being present, so I hope that's what they took away today."

At the completion of the assembly, the class was welcomed to refreshments and music at Downs Hall. Many freshmen took advantage of the photo booth and took candid photos with Keanu.

Sania Travis, a Biology major and freshman from Edison, stated her overall feelings about the event.

"I think it was good, it was a good experience. It's like an introduction to see how things are gonna go. I think it was fun. I liked it," said Travis. 

Aliyah Thomas, Criminal Justice major and new freshman from Newark, stated one goal she hopes to complete at the end of her first year. 

"I wanna come out at least having a 3.0 GPA," said Thomas.

Kean was thrilled to welcome the freshman class into the Cougar family. The Class of 2028 is filled with promising individuals determined to make a brighter future for themselves and eager to get involved with the Kean community. 

<![CDATA[2024 HBCU Classic: College Fair]]> On September 11, thousands of high school students were invited to Kean University to explore several colleges and HBCUs. Beginning at 10 a.m., the HBCU New York Classic Education Day was held in Harwood Arena. Many tables were set up with representatives from each college ready to present themselves to potential students. Schools like Virginia State University, AIMS Education, Morehouse College, Rowan University, NJIT, and Spelman College were featured during the fair. Kean also had several tables present highlighting departments such as the Center for Africana Studies, College of Liberal Arts, and Entrepreneurial Education Initiatives (EEI).  

The arena was filled with high school students eager to take the first steps toward their college journey and create connections with prospective universities.  

Raukell Robinson, CEO of New Level Educational Consulting and Event Management, explained what the event was about and her role in it.  

"I manage the HBCU Football Education Day here at Kean University. We'll have a little over 2,000 high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors here for the HBCU Football Classic Education Day," said Robinson. 

"They're here to get more information about HBCUs and their resources, scholarships, internships, and academic courses they have to offer. This is a great opportunity and it's free of charge. We'll have one here, also tomorrow in NYC, and then we'll have a Career Expo at MetLife Stadium on Saturday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m."  

Dr. Stephanie Baker, Executive Director of the Center for Advising, Persistence, and Success, detailed her responsibility as an advisor for current and future students.  

"Our job as advisors is to really advise students and to help them to understand what majors they may be interested in and then how we as professional advisors are going to guide them all the way through," shared Baker.  

"Our goal here today is to enlighten, to encourage, to expose them obviously to Kean University and the services that we offer. And then to shed some light on questions that so many students within our community have about getting into college at any given time."  

Undergraduate Recruiter at Morehouse College, Stefan Harden, detailed the qualities recruiters look for in students.  

"Morehouse's mission is to develop men with disciplined minds who will lead lives of leadership and service. So, students who are committed to changing the world, serving their community, and just making an impact. That's what we look for. Students with ambition, drive, and then honestly just want to make a difference." 

The HBCU College Fair was a great success that presented high schools with the opportunity to explore many options for their future college endeavors. Kean also held a Greek Step Show on September 13 at Harwood Arena, welcoming Divine Nine fraternities and sororities. Students and staff attended the football classic game with Howard University and Morehouse College at MetLife Stadium on September 14.

<![CDATA[Kean Day 2024: Get Involved and Find Your Community]]> On September 13, Kean University held the annual Kean Day event, where students enjoyed food, music, and community while meeting various campus groups.

From 12 to 4 p.m., over 150 departments, offices, clubs, and organizations set up tables on Cougar Walk and the Miron Student Center Plaza, to showcase who they are and what they offer to students. Some of the groups in attendance were First Love Church, DND Club, Top Knotch, Sports Business Club, and Greek Organizations. 

Kean Day is all about exploring and getting involved to figure out where you make the best connections. 

"That's the purpose of Kean Day. Today is one of those days where it's beautiful weather outside, the energy is high, and students are excited to be out here," said Vice President for Student Affairs, Kerrin Lyles.

Many of the tables drew in students as they played music and had giveaways. There were plenty of activities such as small games, photo booths and a station where you peddle a bike to blend a smoothie. Students also enjoyed drinks and foods from Coca-Cola, Vitamin Water, 7-Eleven, and Reign Total Body Fuel. There was a variety of food options, from sandwiches to empanadas, and plenty of vegetarian options from Bro-Ritos, Rainbao, and Latin Bites food trucks. While some Cougars were learning more about the clubs and organizations on campus, others enjoyed capturing the day by taking photos at the Photo Booth in their Kean Day T-shirts. 

Many students took this event as an opportunity to learn more about Kean and get more involved during their college journey.

"I was shy and [hesitant] to meet new people, but because I'm a senior, I'm trying to be more involved," said Cecilia Calvo, a senior Business major from Puerto Rico interested in the Criminal Justice club.

Tyana Walters, a Biomedicine major and freshman from East Orange, expressed her thoughts on her first Kean Day.

"It's fun because there's a lot of different clubs I'm interested in. I like to see the different clubs that I may want to join potentially in the future, or now if I have the time," said Walters.

Chetana Bidesi, also a Biomedicine major and freshman from Edison, explained why she decided to attend.

"I just wanna explore clubs related to my major. Maybe join some, be involved in college life," said Bidesi.

She also shared why the Glam Club caught her attention. "You get to learn new hair and makeup and everything, so that's helpful," said Bidesi.

Kean Day is a high point for the Kean community as an anticipated event every year. The Kean faculty was excited to see students taking advantage of the school's resources. 

"This is a really great opportunity for our students, particularly our new students, to get an opportunity to see all of our clubs and our organizations, what we have to offer, all of the resources we have," added Lyles, who had emphasized getting involved on campus at the Freshman Convocation in August.

The number of students on Cougar Walk is a testament to the beauty and success of Kean Day, which indeed was a success.

<![CDATA[Freshman Class Elections: Class of 2028]]> The Student Government Association (SGA) holds a vital position in Kean University as the governing department of the student body. These individuals are chosen by their peers, who entrust them to act in the best interest of their class. During the Fall 2024 semester, the Class of 2028 held their first class board elections to elect the freshman officers. These students have the opportunity to represent the undergraduate body and create an environment that reflects the pillars of Kean University.  

The SGA Freshman Class of 2028 leaders are listed below: 

Freshman Class President  

Bianca Evans 

Freshman Class Vice President  

Aneliese Oliveira 

Freshman Class Treasurer 

Jamie Zheng 

Freshman Class Secretary 

Jayden Rivera 

Freshman Class Senators 

Isabel Antao 

Emma Avila 

Lollys Barrera 

Sean Conway 

Taniyah Drayton 

Joshua Ortiz 

Liana Thompson 

Rafael Vallejos 

Contact: The SGA Freshman Class of 2028 can be reached by emailing sgafreshmanpres@kean.edu

Courtesy of SGA

<![CDATA[Flo'Rida Steps Into the Cougar's Den Giving Gems and Advice]]> On October 3, Kean students lined up outside the Wilkins Theatre for the University's annual Homecoming Concert.

With Reeboks, jerseys and other popular Y2K gear, the Kean Cougars were ready to party with Flo'Rida. Fortunately for them, the popstar made it a night to remember for students full of dancing, screaming, and even fun fan interactions.

However, Flo'Rida is more than just a ruler in the 2000s party music scene. In the after-concert interview with Flo'Rida, he showcased some vulnerability. He talked about some of the most impactful moments in his career and how he was able to overcome any obstacles along the path.

Flo'Rida popped off as soon as he stepped on the scene in 2007 with his debut single "Low," a classic song that has stood the test of time.

"I think [the most impactful time in my career] it was when I put out my very first record, I was the type of guy who would have been fine having my record played on the local radio station," he explained. "It took me from a national audience to an international audience instantly."

As a Florida native, Flo'Rida has committed to sharing a piece of where he's from through his music, and with the state having some of the biggest party venues in the country, you could say Flo'Rida brings the party to the world.

"It's organic for myself, growing up in Miami where it's a gumbo of different cultures, it's a party city, and so instantly when you hear my music it just reflects where I come from," he said. "Bass music, that up-tempo music, it just gets the party going."

Although Flo'Rida isn't lacking in hit songs and popular collaborations, and the current climate of the U.S. music industry is fast-paced and full of newer sounds. There has been a resurgence of artists from the early 2000s, like Janet Jackson, Usher, and even Kesha coming back and rejoining the industry with more music and big tours. Flo'Rida is one of them as he's released tons of new singles and collabs just this year and has performed across the world in Dubai, Canada, and at the globally-known Coachella music festival in California.

"I stay in the studio a lot, I'm always up late night sometimes not getting sleep just studio my craft but it's all about having relationships, there may be an artist that you've collaborated with that just keeps you relevant," Flo'Rida said. "But more than anything in one place it may not seem like the needle is being pushed, but in another it is, like out of the country for myself, internationally there's always something going on."

Other than his whopping success, Flo'Rida took the chance to be a bit candid and speak on the side of him not many people see, the part of him that may have a creative down or may need a bo get back on track mentally.

"I think the creative block… when I can't really do anything, I always go back into the crate of things that I've created, with music you can just explore and do something with nostalgia, so creativeness is really always flowing," he stated.

Flo'Rida has made a solid name for himself in the music scene and his identity is unwavering, this could all be because of his outlook on life and what outlets he uses to maintain a positive mental attitude.

In honor of World Mental Health Day on October 10, Flo'Rida was able to explain and give advice to students on someways to best preserve their mental health.

"I'm a faith-driven person, so I always make sure, as a Christian, that I'm always reading my Bible and things like that," he elaborated. "And I think when you have a great circle of people around you, that's even more important."

So with wise words from Flo'Rida to getting down in the Cougars Den, Kean's 2024 Homecoming was truly a night to remember for every party involved.

To have the King of the East Coast party scene as Kean's Homecoming performer is nothing short of an honor. Flo'Rida and his crew, as well as every attendee there that night, have made an everlasting connection with each other.

Read about the Homecoming Game and

<![CDATA[Wishing You a Happy Cougar-Giving!]]> On November 12, the Student Government Association (SGA) and Graduate Student Government (GSG) hosted the annual FoodBank Luncheon in the Cougar's Den of the Miron Student Center. From 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., students, faculty, and staff were welcomed to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal provided by Gourmet Dining and enter a raffle. Proceeds collected from the ticket sales were donated to the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. The event also encouraged attendees to donate items for the Cougar Pantry, such as cereal, water bottles, dried fruit, body wash, lotion, and shampoo.  

Renee Helfenstein, AVP Events Marketing and Communications of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey, detailed the significant role the event has in helping those in need. 

"The annual FoodBank Luncheon is so important to Community FoodBank of New Jersey. We're so grateful for Kean University's support in ensuring our neighbors in need have a meal on their table everyday, especially during the holiday season," shared Helfenstein. 

"Every dollar that is donated allows us to purchase three meals for neighbors in need. So, thank you to Kean for one bringing us in to educate all these people who come and enjoy the luncheon, and two for the fundraising and engagement throughout the community as well as coming in and volunteering because I know Kean is a very active volunteer group as well," said Helfenstein. 

Danna Rosas, a senior Cellular and Molecular Biology major from Dunellen, stated that she attends the Thanksgiving luncheon annually. 

"I do it every year, since I've been a freshman. The food is great. It was a tradition. Me and my friends used to come before they graduated," said Rosas.

The luncheon featured foods like cornbread, pumpkin pie, oven-roasted vegetables, turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes. 

Samantha Martinez, a sophomore Psychology major from Ecuador, shared her excitement for her first Thanksgiving at Kean. 

"I received an invitation by email, and I was really interested. This is my first Thanksgiving here, so that's another reason why I'm here to live the experience and know how it is, taste the food and everything," said Martinez. 

While people ate their meals, they were able to win prizes from the raffle, such as Kean branded hoodies, book bags, and umbrellas. 

The annual FoodBank Luncheon is an event that engages the Kean community in the selfless act of giving back. The Kean Community came together and sold 167 tickets, which raised $1,310 for the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. The FoodBank Luncheon serves as another way Kean contributes to social impact for a positive change in our environment. 

The Kean community participating in a Thanksgiving meal.

<![CDATA[Tailgating and Touchdowns: Kean's 2024 Homecoming Ends with a Bang]]> On October 5, Kean University held its annual Tailgate and Homecoming game events. Students, staff, faculty, and guests were welcome to celebrate homecoming week and cheer on the football team from the bleachers at Alumni Stadium.

The tailgate was held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and it was full of fun and interactive activities, including carnival games like ring toss, water blaster, and hoop shot, which rewarded players with stuffed prizes after winning. There was music, giveaways, and tailgating from Kean's various social organizations, which had their own exciting music and activities for attendees to enjoy.

"I love the fact that everyone's out here having a good time," said Jayden Rivera, a freshman Business Management major who participated in volunteering as a game attendant and enjoyed the festivities himself after his shift.

Rivera, along with many other students, was enthusiastic about all the giveaways available, like the Kean2K goodie bags that were given to attendees free of charge. The goodie bag included a small blue football, frisbee, and a Kean2K Homecoming shirt.

"I am enjoying [myself] very much, I love the food, I love the energy, I love the music," said Gabriela Rivera, a freshman Education major.

The tailgate crowd received various food options such as tacos, milkshakes and ice cream, Ritas, fried Oreos, and other hot foods like chicken tenders, pizza, fries, and so much more. The lines were long; however, all attendees who found themselves in the Harwood Arena parking lot to grab food were satisfied with the choices. Tickets were given out to all guests to select any food or dessert item.

"I got some tacos [earlier], and am going to play a game now," said Majorie Call, a junior Marketing major. "I'm enjoying myself right now, everything is good."

The event was a great time for all ages. There was face painting, a kids zone in the Harwood Arena gym, and special guests like Elsa, Bluey, and Marshall from Paw Patrol, who took pictures with kids and adults alike.

Kean's Tailgate was a wonderful display of Kean's unified community, people danced together, ate together, played games, and laughed with one another, all in the name of celebration.

As the Tailgate simmered down, the Homecoming game began, the Kean Cougars vs the William Paterson Pioneers. It was a close game, both teams going head to head with a confident and competitive spirit. As the game neared its end, the stands were tense with anticipation, holding their breath and yelling encouraging words all at once. In the end, the Kean Cougars rose to the occasion with a huge comeback and landed a win for Kean University, 25-18.

Kean's Tailgate and Homecoming Game was a total triumph. The students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the Cougar football team's big win was a testament to Saturday's victory.

Read about the Homecoming Concert with Flo'Ridaand Kean 2K Homecoming 2024.

<![CDATA[Jump into Kean 2024: Welcome Back Cougars!]]> From August 28 to September 4, Kean University was filled with fun and exciting events to welcome new and returning students from summer break. Jump into Kean week featured many activities such as Game Show Night, On the Block BBQ, Carnival Games and Food Trucks, Greek Showcase, Rita's PardICE, Freshman Convocation, and Cougar Kick-Off. 

The On the Block BBQ was held in the food court of the Miron Student Center and offered dishes like chicken, pulled pork, bean burgers, mac and cheese, cornbread, salad, and brownies. 

Many freshmen like Emily Cirelli, a Chemistry Forensic Science major from Saddle Brook, enjoyed the BBQ as it allowed them to meet their fellow classmates.

"So far, I enjoyed seeing all the new people that I haven't seen yet. Also, catching up with old friends that I haven't seen in a while. That's what I like," said Cirelli. 

After the BBQ, students were able to attend the Game Show and play Cash Attack and The Deal is Right. Some participants were able to walk away with cash prizes and items like the Sharper Image 2-Player Laser Tag set and a Keurig coffee machine. 

Chima Marazere, a freshman and Accounting major from West Orange, stated why he found the Game Show exciting.

 "I think it's really cool, and the fact that it's live audience but instantaneous is really cool and adds to the credibility. It's really cool how they're giving back to the community, and everyone's engaged, so it's pretty amazing," said Marazere.

On August 29, the festivities continued with the President's Opening Day Address and ended with the Greek Showcase, food trucks, and carnival games. Kean resident students played games like Hydra Blast and Hoop Shot, made stuffed animals, and ate delicious food from food trucks like Hold My Knots, Bro-Ritos, and Scream Truck. The Greek Showcase featured many members who proudly strolled, representing their Greek organizations. 

The Freshman Convocation and Reception was held on August 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Class of 2028 is the largest freshman class, with about 2,000 students. President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D., gave a welcome speech to the incoming freshmen advising them to visualize the end of their college careers, while Mackenzie Kuntz, President of the Student Government Association, encouraged the class to initiate conversations and not be hard on themselves. 

There were beautiful performances by student leader Catherine Anukam, who recited an original poem, and Kean Board of Directors, Student Trustee Danielle Braithwaite, who sang Home from the hit musical, The Wiz. The inaugural Freshman Convocation left students excited to start their new journey and with a new perspective on college life.

The Cougar Kick-Off on September 4, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., welcomed all students on the first day of classes. The event was packed and full of life with food from Gourmet Dining and giveaways from Cougar Connections, the Kean Wellness Center, and many other student support services on campus.

"I'm very introverted and this is actually making me more extroverted," said Gabriela Fletcher, a freshman Psychology major from Pine Hill, NJ. "[I'm enjoying] getting to meet new people and forming new bonds."

Good food, music, and community are all students need to feel the love at Kean, and the Cougar Kick-Off presented just that and gave students an amazing way to start the semester.

Jump Into Kean Week is a valued cougar tradition that continues to unify and uplift the Kean community.

Kean students attending the Food Truck and Carnival Games event. 

<![CDATA[Fall 2024 Meet the Greeks]]> On September 25, the Greek Senate hosted the Fall 2024 Meet the Greeks at Harwood Arena. From 6 to 10 p.m., students, guests, and alumni were able to attend and enjoy the Greek organizations, highlighting their talents and what they have to offer. 

The event had a good turnout, with many freshman students in attendance. As the DJ played music, students took advantage and visited the many sororities and fraternities tables. Students had the chance to network with Greek members and learn about the values each organization represented. 

Upon arrival and check-in, students were given postcards that listed the organizations featured to help students keep track of which tables they'd visited. The postcards were also a way for attendees to enter a raffle and get a chance to win pillows, bucket hats, and Kean apparel.  

At the start of the show, the students had the chance to meet the Greek Senate executive board and familiarize themselves with the brief history of every organization.  

Jadesola Olayinka, an IT Cybersecurity major and freshman from Freehold, stated why she decided to attend the event. 

"To see, honestly, all the fraternities and sororities. I've seen stuff on Instagram, and it just seems cool, so I had to come see it live," said Olayinka. 

Other students like Jorden Oster, a Forensic Psychology major and freshman from Spotswood, were eager to see the black Greek organizations.  

"I was interested in looking at different sororities, specifically black sororities. Maybe Delta or Poodles," said Oster. 

 She also detailed the values she looks for in a potential sorority. "Definitely sisterhood and like giving back to the community, stuff like that."

Aaneye Thomas, a Global Business major and freshman from Stewartsville, listed qualities he desires in a fraternity. "Just respect, kindness, and integrity," said Thomas. 

Jada-Ann Parker, a Biology/Forensic major and freshman from Newark, came to Meet the Greeks to know more about one of the sororities.  

"I wanted to meet the Greeks, and I also want to get more information on Delta Sigma Theta and joining them," said Parker. 

She also stated why she wanted to join that sorority. "I really appreciate what they stand for charity, scholarships and everything. And I wanna just be a part of something that's like that," said Parker. 

Some of the Greek organizations present were Omega Phi Chi, Theta Phi Alpha, Phi Beta Sigma, Groove Phi Groove, Mu Sigma Upsilon, Nu Sigma Phi, Iota Phi Theta, Sigma Beta Tau, Alpha Phi Alpha, Lambda Tau Omega, and Zeta Phi Beta.  

The Fall 2024 Meet the Greeks was a great event that gave new and returning students the opportunity to gain knowledge about each organization and its values. With plenty of options for Kean students to choose from, there is no doubt that we will see many new members. See you in Spring 2025, future Greeks!

<![CDATA[The Cougar's Byte: Class of 2024 Send-off]]> Kean University is excited for the seniors preparing to graduate on May 16. The Student Life Media Team is proud to take this time to feature our seniors who will be graduating and taking the next steps toward their future. Nicole Rivera (Photography Manager), Wayne Dawes Jr. (Senior Editor), Gregory Robinson (Graphic Designer), and Da'Shon Curry (Videographer) are a part of the graduating class of 2024. The Cougar's Byte had the opportunity to speak to these graduating seniors and ask them about their college journey and what they plan to accomplish.

Wayne Dawes, Jr., a Communication in Media and Film major from Somerset, explained what his proudest moment was a college student.

"Making the Dean's List because growing up, I've always had an IEP, which is an Individualized Education Plan. I've always been told college might not be for you, school has always been hard for you. So, the fact that I got to come to a university and make Dean's List multiple times, that's my proudest moment," said Senior Editor for the Student Life Media Team, Dawes Jr.

Dawes Jr. also shared that he plans to continue his education once he graduates from Kean.

"After I graduate here, I plan to go to graduate school for Communication and Media. I hope to take my master's degree along with my bachelor's here and get a media job. Hopefully at ESPN, but I'm going to build to that," said Dawes Jr., Student Life Media Team, Senior Editor.

Nicole Rivera, a Business Management major from Kearny, disclosed what she discovered about herself while attending Kean.

"I've discovered that I love to just be around people. I found a community here and I enjoy being around that community. I used to be more isolated, not in a loner sense, but I would have one or two friends. But coming to college, I found that I flourish when I know a lot of people and I can just say hi to everyone I see," said Rivera, Student Life Media Team, Photography Manager.

Rivera also explained that she wishes to pursue her photography after graduation.

"So, I hope to continue my photography career. That's my passion that I really wanna work on. I definitely wanna just expand, go into sports, go into portraits, go into basically everything possible. But career-wise, I'm gonna try to get into marketing and just make my way through that to support my passion through my career," said Rivera.

Da'Shon Curry, a Communication in Media and Film major from East Orange, shared what he discovered about himself while in college.

"While I was in college, I realized one thing about me, I'm a very, I don't want to say tenacious person, but more so a person that when he sees what he wants, he goes at it and he won't stop at like anything until either A, he gets it, or B, he's put into another path. So just being resilient one may say," said Curry, Student Life Media Team, Videographer.

Curry also stated his plans after graduating from Kean.

"After college, I do plan on going down to Georgia where I'll be a Grad Assistant at Mercer University, where I'll be the lead videographer in the athletics department," said Curry.

Curry's most special moment at Cougar's Byte was working with his coworkers and getting to know them more.

"Honestly, the people that I met, I'm not gonna lie. When I first came in, I was obviously just to myself on more of a yeah, I'm gonna get my work done and then go back home and just do a watch and repeat. But actually getting to know the people in the office, you come to realize at the end of the day, they're generally cool people," said Curry.

Gregory Robinson, a Graphic Design major from Piscataway, shared three of his proudest moments as a Kean student.

"Well, I have three since I can't choose one. One moment was being a part of the Kean family, but most importantly building a family at Cougar's Byte. I would also say going abroad for my spring semester and of course, graduating," said Robinson, Student Life Media Team, Graphic Designer.

Robinson's long-term goals include finding a career within the design field.

"Long-term goals would have to be freelancing for one- to two years while also finding internships and stable jobs within design. After that, I would love to move to a big city, while saving enough money to take one-month vacays all around the world and see what's to explore," said Robinson.

The Cougar's Byte is delighted to have been a part of our graduating seniors' growth and college experience. We thank them all for their time here at Kean, and we know that they will succeed in their future endeavors!

The Cougar's Byte recognizes our graduating seniors this spring.

<![CDATA[For The Girls: Women Being Represented In A Beautiful Way]]> On Tuesday, April 30, Kean P.U.L.S.E. hosted its For The Girls event at the Miron Student Center Patio from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. The event was packed as students had the opportunity to learn about self-care for women, health awareness, and women's mental health. Multiple stations were presented and students were able to take pictures with their peers at a picture station, as another presented T-shirts Stanley cups, and straw covers.

Kayla Vares, a senior majoring in STEM education, from Harrison New Jersey, and a member of Kean P.U.L.S.E., explains the importance of the event and how it brings awareness to women.

"For The Girls event we wanted to get all the girls together and educate them since not everyone has the resources, so we're hitting all the spots we're hitting sexual health, we have physical and mental health as well which no one really talks about," said Vares.

According to healthassured.org, Women are twice as likley to be diagnosed with anxiety as men. Also, women aged between 16-24 years old report having a common mental health problem in any given week. These facts are just a glimpse of what women go through on a daily basis.

Pauline Haynes a freshman majoring in Medical Lab Science, from South Jersey, is also a part of Kean P.U.L.S.E., Haynes goes on to share what is available at each table during the event.

" We have tables that have I love women's shirts, then we also have Stanley cups, then there are straw covers and stations that give educational information on how to take care of women's health," said Haynes.

Haynes also shares why she believes Kean does a good job of representing women at the University.

" When women's mental health comes around we do celebrate it other than this event, we try to bring awareness to stuff that women go through and how we can help and cope with that, i feel like we have alot of those events happening on campus," said Haynes.

The For The Girls event was a success because not only did women get educated on women's health and awareness but all walks of life had the opportunity to learn and get free merchandise. As the semester comes to an end it was nice for women to be represented during this event and for everyone to enjoy the beautiful weather.

<![CDATA[The Office of Affirmative Action Programs: We Are All Equal]]> The Office of Affirmative Action Programs is a department within Kean University that devotes itself to maintaining a fair environment of unbiased treatment for the entire campus community. The office works diligently to protect individuals within the campus community from discrimination, harassment, and gender-based discrimination.  

In honor of April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Cougar's Byte had the opportunity to speak with De'Etra Pickett, the Acting Director (Managing Assistant Director), EEO/AA Officer, and Title IX Coordinator within the Office of Affirmative Action Programs. She and her colleague and OAAP's Associate Director, Catricia Shaw, work together to promote a healthy, diverse community of faculty, staff, and students.   

Pickett explained that the responsibilities of the Office of Affirmative Action Programs include the encouragement of fair treatment and the maintaining of civil rights laws.  

"The Office of Affirmative Action Programs is responsible for implementing and monitoring policies and practices to promote equal opportunity, prevent discrimination and harassment, and ensure compliance with federal and state laws and university policies related to affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, and Title IX," said Pickett.  

As a result of the office being responsible for overseeing and carrying out practices that ensure an unbiased campus, the Office of Affirmative Action Programs has implemented several strategies to encourage equal opportunity strategies and fair treatment at Kean.

 "Our office integrates equal opportunity strategies by conducting training and workshops for faculty, staff, and students on topics such as diversity, inclusion, unconscious bias, and respectful workplace behaviors. We also work closely with departments across the university to review hiring practices, address complaints of discrimination or harassment, and promote a culture of respect and fairness," said Pickett.

Pickett also explained that the office oversees and manages affirmative action cases by organizing rigorous investigations into complaints and providing support and information on the appropriate next steps to resolve any issues and violations of the policies or laws.  

There have been critical moments that have happened in the past in the department that have contributed to the conclusion of difficult issues and the execution of innovative approaches. 

"There have been significant moments in the past where our office has successfully resolved complex cases, implemented new policies and procedures to enhance equal opportunity efforts, and collaborated with campus partners to promote a more inclusive environment for all members of the university community," said Pickett. 

To bring awareness and educate students about the department's duties, the Office of Affirmative Action takes part in and hosts different events on campus. 

"Our office actively participates in events and programs to bring awareness to the Office of Affirmative Action Programs and promote a culture of diversity and inclusion on campus, for example, we host training sessions, awareness campaigns, I participate on panels and collaborate with student organizations to address issues related to discrimination, harassment, and equal opportunity," said Pickett.

The Office of Affirmative Action Programs is dedicated to creating a campus environment that supports the equal treatment and opportunity of all students, faculty, and staff. To reach the Office of Affirmative Action Programs, students can call by phone at (908)737-5984, email affiract@kean.edu, or contact Pickett directly by email at dpickett@kean.edu, or in person on East Campus, 2nd floor within the student lounge Room 204. The office also has an online reporting system for confidential cases. Please visit their page on Cougar Link for events, visit their webpages OAAP: https://www.kean.edu/offices/affirmative-action, or follow them on Instagram @kean_titleix, @kean_oaap.

Courtesy of De'Etra Pickett, Acting Director (Managing Assistant Director), EEO/AA Officer, and Title IX Coordinator within the Office of Affirmative Action Programs.

<![CDATA[Unity Week: Man of the House Play]]> In continuation of Unity Week, on Tuesday, April 16, Kean Cougars and the Kean Community enjoyed a great stageplay, Man of the House hosted by the Communications and Marketing for Student Affairs. From 6:30 to 8:30 pm, students and guests gathered in the Miron Student Center Little Theatre to watch and be entertained by the great production.

Man of the House is a dramedy that focuses on relationships, family issues, and domestic violence and is usually held in October in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness. This #1 Urban StagePlay, was written, directed, and produced by Kean Alumnus, A'ndre Davis. Davis wanted to convey a story about domestic violence, but in a different manner with the man being abused as opposed to the woman and the abuse being mental instead of physical.

Tatyana Buckman, a Forensic Psychology major and freshman from Willingboro explained why she decided to come and watch the play.

"I decided to come here because the description of the play reminded me of like Tyle Perry plays and I like watching those, I enjoy watching stuff like that and it's kind of cool to see what other universities could do like put their twist on plays," said Buckman.

Rakeen King, a Business Management major and freshman from Bloomfield expressed what he was looking forward to seeing.

"I heard about it and I wanted to come support. I'm always interested in the theatre and the plays, Just knowing how much practice and time goes into these plays is always interesting and I love to see people perform," said King.

The audience was truly delighted with the play. From Denzel Washington and Former President Obama's impressions to comical lines and singing from the cast, the audience was amused.

While the audience had a chance to ask the cast members questions and make comments after the play, Christian King who plays Isaac in Man of the House, gave meaningful advice about consistency. He shared his journey to being a part of Man of the House and the television show, Wild N Out. He credited his success in the entertainment field to remaining unwavering in pursuing his dreams.

"If you have a goal or dream in mind and you are working towards that thing, do not despise small beginnings. The no's that you get are not really no's. They may just be not right now's. Every no that you get is gonna make that yes so much sweeter...If you don't quit, you'll make it," said King.

On the 10th anniversary of Man of the House, the Cougar's Byte had the opportunity to speak with A'ndre Davis. When asked what is something he wants people to learn from watching Man of the House, Davis responded that he wants people to know that abuse comes in more forms than physical abuse.

"I want them to learn that abuse is more than just the physical...What I hope that they take away from Man of the House, is that abuse can be verbal, it can be emotional," said Davis.

"And one of the lines that is in the play, that I really stand on is that 'Once you can influence a person's mind, you can do more damage than the fist ever could.' And when people understand that and truly understand that you'll watch your words, you'll watch the way you treat people And like I said, for the person being abused, they can now identify it for what it is."

Man of the House was a pleasurable play that not only entertained but informed audience members about domestic abuse and the amount of influence a person's actions and words can have on another person mentally and emotionally. The Kean Community was proud to welcome back A'ndre Davis during Unity Week and take part in the 10th-anniversary celebration of Man of the House.

The Kean Community attended the Man of the House stageplay for Unity Week. 

<![CDATA[Research Day: Getting Educated About Our Planet ]]> From April 15 to 17, Kean University hosted the 2024 Kean Research Days. Kean Research Days is held annually in recognition of faculty-student research and unique undertakings. The Undergraduate Poster Presentations were held at Downs Hall from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. and the Graduate Poster Presentations were held at the STEM Atrium from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Students at the Undergraduate Poster Presentations presented many topics such as the impact of AI in the financial markets, the value of Nike, and the significance of emotional intelligence in management.

Gianna Prinzo, a sophomore and Interior Design major from Pompton Lakes explained her research project she has worked on for 15 weeks.

"I researched redlining in New Jersey and the effects on non-white communities. Redlining was this process that was done back during the Great Depression as a way to redistribute loans. The Federal Housing Authority and the Homeowners Loan Corporation determined what was profitable and nonprofitable. And they believed that the white communities were profitable and the non-white communities were nonprofitable. So essentially, they took a red market on a map and drew lines distinguishing between the profitable and nonprofitable communities," said Prinzo.

Many students were recognized for their discoveries and dedication to their research. Siyun Yang won Undergraduate Student Researcher of the Year- Natural Sciences, Justin Antonio won Undergraduate Student Researcher of the Year - Social Sciences, and Tristram Dacayan was awarded Undergraduate Student Researcher of the Year - Formal Sciences.

Juliana Ross, a sophomore majoring in Interior Design gave the CougarsByte a quick description of what her project is about.

" My project is the impact of colors on food labels and food preferences. In my survey I had people choose a chip bag based on the color and the colors were orange, blue, brown, and green and people often chose the colors blue and green because alot of products that are healthier are the colors blue and green," said Ross.

" Then I had people choose between four different salad combinations, the first two salad combinations were more dull as the other two salad combinations were more bright including more fruits, in my study people chose 3 and 4 because the salads had more color variety. Many people who choose a meal often go for more color combinations."

Ross would explain how she felt about being able to present her project and what she hoped the students would get from the research days.

" Good I've been getting alot of good feedback which is good and definitely networking as my roommate has received a few business cards and a potential internship," said Ross.

The annual Research Days was a great opportunity for students to represent their project and what they studied, as well as students were able to connect with others and learn more about the earth, the economy, and human consumption.

<![CDATA[An Evening of Comedic Storytelling: Full of Laughs and Great Vibes ]]> On Wednesday, April 17, The Comedic Storytelling hosted by The Student Government Asscoiation and the Graduate Student Government took place at Wilkins Theater from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. as doors opened at 8:00 p.m. The event was filled with Students, Staff, and guests as they were excited to see the legendary Kenan Thompson.

Before the event began the CougarsByte had the opportunity to interview multiple students who were looking forward to seeing Kenan. Jamaria Hay, a sophomore majoring in Computer Science from Edison, New Jersey, explains how she felt about the event overall and how she feels about Unity Week.

"I think it's nice I've heard of Kenan Thompson before, I've seen the shows he was in and I'm very excited. I like it I think it's a great idea, I think it's good for people from different cultures to get involved together," said Hay.

As the show began SGA and GSG welcomed the Kean community to the highly anticipated show they introduced Kenan to the stage as he was met with uproar from the crowd. The show was a success as there was a great connection between Kenan and the audience with his funny punchlines, his entertaining way of telling his story, and his spirit from start to finish.

Jordan Rittenburg a freshman, majoring in Architecture, from Williamstown, New Jersey, tells the CougarsByte his reasoning for coming out to the event.

"Because of what happened last semester with Flo Mili and the concert so I wanted to come out again and support, have fun, and to see what is going on," said Rittenburg.

As the event continued with laughs and jokes, Kenan decided to get the crowd involved and told them to ask anything they would like to ask him. Someone in attendance would ask Kenan how it feels to have all of the fame and he answered by showing his humble personality.

"I never planned on being famous, I didn't know what being famous meant, I didn't know the responsibility of it until I was at a signing and this girl came up and she was crying so hard when she met me, I didn't know I was that attached to ya'll," said Kenan.

Once he answered questions from the crowd he said his goodbyes as the crowd gave him one more loud round of applause showing the support he had received from the Kean family. After the show was over Kenan ended up staying for a little while as he took pictures with people that were in attendance, showing his gratitude to Kean.

The Comedic Storytelling was one to remember, with everyone full of joy and laughs as this event was one of the highlights of Unity Week.

<![CDATA[Unity Week Recap: A Time to Remember ]]> From Sunday, April 14 to Sunday, April 21, the Kean Community enjoyed a fun and event-filled Unity Week. Unity Week is a Kean tradition that recognizes and celebrates the diversity on campus. On Sunday, April 14, there was a Kean University Founders 5k commemorating the date the university held its first day of classes as the Newark Normal School.

Cougars were invited to attend Culture Fest on Monday, April 15 as attendees had the pleasure of eating delicious foods, learning about the cultural clubs at the university, and watching performances given by the clubs. On Tuesday, April 16, in the Miron Student Center Little Theatre, the audience welcomed Kean Alumnus, A'ndre Davis, to watch his stageplay Man of the House, which explored the topic of domestic violence with the man being abused instead of the woman.

On Wednesday, April 17, the Undergraduate Poster Presentations for the annual research day took place at Downs Hall from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM, the event was packed with students and staff interested in learning about what other students had researched as the event was filled with educational facts about the environment and the economy. Later that night the highly anticipated Comedic Storytelling hosted by Kenan Thompson took place at Wilkins Theater from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. as the crowd was entertained by his humorous punchlines and great spirit on stage. After the show, Kenan stayed on campus to take photos and meet more of the audience that attended the show.

On April 18th, the Student Government Freshman Class of 2027 hosted the Cougar All Stars - Students v Staff Basketball Game at Harwood Arena from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. as the Students stood on top of the staff off of a buzzer beater as the crowd was excited throughout the multiple games that took place. At halftime, there was a dance performance presented by the Kutopknotch majorette dance team that kept the crowd entertained as the students and staff were getting ready to compete in the second part of the game.

Unity Week was a great example of how the Kean community can come together for a multitude of reasons and events. Students, staff, alumni, and guests were able to enjoy everything that took place and get familiar with each organization that hosted each event.

<![CDATA[Celebrating Diversity with Culture Fest!]]> On Monday, April 15, Cougars enjoyed a fun and festive kickoff to this year's Unity Week with Culture Fest. The event was hosted by the Office of Student Government, the Student Government Association of Kean University, and the Graduate Student Government of Kean University. From 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., students roamed around the Miron Student Center Plaza while enjoying food from stations that served dishes such as rice, shrimp, clams, and sausages.

The music played loudly as students proudly waved flags that represented their culture. There was a stage for performances and a photo booth as well. Students were able to receive a Unity Week T-Shirt once they visited at least 5 tables belonging to the cultural clubs at the university such as the Filipinos Uniting Nations at Kean (FUNK), the Kean Anime Society, First Love Kean Fellowship, and the Ecuadorian Student Association.

Emmiley Taveras, a Freshman Senator explained what the Culture Fest event was about.

"Well, I'm here with Student Government, I'm a Freshman Senator. Basically, this is just to bring awareness, which is the point of Unity Week, for us to celebrate everyone's culture, not just one or a few, We're just here for the people," said Taveras.

Drew Shorey, a Business major and freshman from Hamilton, New Jersey expressed that he enjoyed the food and stated his thoughts about the event overall.

"It's fire, I'm not gonna lie to you, I actually really like it, "It's just a really good experience for the Kean community to come together," said Shorey.

Delali Doe, a Computer Science major and freshman from Hamilton, New Jersey attended the event to recognize various cultures and was interested in the cultural flags.

"There's so many different cultures out there. And also, I was attracted by the flags. I wanted to find my flag today. I love the different culture food, Learning about everyone's culture is fun," said Doe.

La'Sata Jones, a Bio Health Professions major and freshman from East Orange, New Jersey stated why she decided to come to the event and shared what she is looking forward to.

"I just wanted to mingle, there's a lot of people, and just getting to see all of these different organizations would be interesting, Some of the performances and I kinda want a shirt, things like that," said Jones.

Culture Fest was a great way to kick off Unity Week. The night was full of excitement, delicious food, dancing, and clubs at the university. Culture Fest celebrated and reflected the diversity present on campus.


Kean students dancing and celebrating each other's culture. 

<![CDATA[The Social Media Expo: Where Connections Are Made]]> On Thursday, April 11, the Department of Communication, Media and Journalism hosted the social media expo event at the Center for Academic Success building on the 4th floor from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Students got the chance to meet and speak with alumni who are in the media industry, as well as verified influencers and Union TV. Students also had the opportunity to learn how to build their brand and thrive on social media, the event had a selfie station where students could take photos and were presented with giveaways on each table such as snacks, Kean merchandise, food menus, etc.

Gina Gili and Jazmarie Gutierrez were involved in making the event possible and they gave their opinion on providing students with the opportunity to connect with others and create content.

"It's been super fun it's been unreal getting real-world experience and being able to actually create an event while also doing it with the school so we're able to get that audience and get people out there. I see alot of students have come and their interested in social media and media in general," said Gutierrez.

Gina Gili expresses the importance of students having the chance to network with people who can introduce them to the social media field and how meeting people on social media can benefit each student.

"This is a fantastic networking opportunity, every student now has social media, they're active on social media, they're able to meet each other and meet the alumni and see where that can take them," said Gili.

Jessica Crown '19 Kean alumna who is currently a scheduling Coordinator with NBC Sports explains the importance of media apps and websites such as Linkedin and how that played a role in her getting her career started.

"Social media is actually very important it's the only reason why I got my job which was through LinkedIn keeping it updated as possible and honestly I applied to my job through LinkedIn and it was the biggest learning tool for me," said Crown.

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with people who are in the same field as you, According to flexjobs.com LinkedIn is a website that gives people a chance to build their brand and resume as companies will view your profile to see if you would be a good fit.

For Students who would like to try something new to eat, Muhammad Darr the owner of Flamin Feathers gave the CougarsByte information on the new restaurant and how it can be beneficial for students.

"I definitely want to make sure that our name is put out there as we're just a few minutes from the University, we're located on 996 Stuyvesant Avenue Union, NJ. I like to make sure the students know about what we're selling and we have a student combo for any student in high school or college, all you have to do is show your ID, come between the hours of 12 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and you can get a student combo for 13 bucks for a sandwich, fries, and a soda," said Darr.

Irisa Leverette is a math professor and has over 1 million followers on TikTok, Leverette and her son Darius who has autism make videos together and give the audience a glimpse of what autism is like behind the scenes.

"My table is about autism, it's about me and my son we do TikToks together, showing the world a behind-the-scenes look at autism," said Leverette.

Leverette also reminds students to have fun on social media, as it can be intimidating and stressful for some students, to find their passion and not pay attention to negative opinions.

"I just want students to learn about social media, and having fun because social media seems stressful for students, but you have to just have fun find your passion, don't worry about the trolls, don't worry about the negativity," said Leverette.

The social media expo was a great opportunity for students to go around each table and get advice on how to grow their brand and enter the field with valuable connections.
