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(09/14/21 7:04pm)
COVID-19 has greatly affected the lives of everyone since its emersion in 2020. Throughout this time, it has taken a countless amount of lives without any remorse. At Kean University, a memorial service was held to remember all who were lost due to this terrible disease.
(06/25/21 1:08am)
Wouldn’t a place on campus where students can go to play pick up games, promote wellness and have fun with friends be nice? Well, students are in luck because the Miron Student Center (MSC) is getting a Recreation Complex. A space for students to go burn off some steam after a long day or to get active on their off days/weekends.
(04/13/21 12:05am)
From Monday, April 5 at 9 a.m. to Wednesday, April 7 at 5 p.m., Kean University students logged into Cougar Link and placed their votes for students to represent them during the 2021-2022 academic year.
(03/23/21 1:53am)
A year into the affects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kean University community now looks toward their path back to campus and coming together again safely and effectively. With the numbers of vaccinated persons rising and the knowledge of the virus increasing, the university is looking towards returning to in-person classes in the coming Fall 2021 semester.
(03/08/21 11:59pm)
Over the weekend of March 5-7, Kean’s Theatre Conservatory held a showing of their very own production, The Misadventures of Romeo and Juliet. This work was a modern approach to one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays and was put together through the hard work of Kean students, staff and faculty.
(03/02/21 12:11am)
Since 1987, the month of March has been declared Women’s History Month, commemorating and acknowledging the contributions that various women, past and present have made to the world. In honor of this month, different departments and organizations throughout the university have coordinated events to celebrate and also shed light on women’s history.
(02/23/21 12:08am)
With the white covering the roads and the temperature dropping, Kean's University Relations announced on Thursday, Feb. 18 that classes, remote and in-person, will be canceled due to a weather forecast of snow and ice conditions.
(02/16/21 7:10pm)
On Friday, Feb. 12, Kean's Programming for Unique and Lively Student Experience (P.U.L.S.E.) and the Center for Leadership and Service (CLS) held a virtual self-defense class with the We Save Lives Fitness Gym in New Brunswick, NJ in honor of One Billion Rising: Violence Against Women via Zoom from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
(02/09/21 12:20am)
On Thursday, Feb. 1, Kean P.U.L.S.E. held its Black History Month Kickoff via YouTube to honor the culture and achievements of people of African descent. Spoken word, dances, singing and other festivities were displayed in this program.
(02/02/21 2:51am)
Brothers and sisters, it's that time of the year again so pump up the volume! On Wednesday, Jan. 27, the Greek Senate hosted this semester's Meet the Greeks event virtually. This is the second virtual Meet the Greeks and it was a success. Despite the new format, the show went on as organizations and students logged on to a night full of networking as well as introducing new members to become part of Greek life at Kean University.
(01/26/21 12:05am)
At the start of every semester, each Greek organization at Kean gathers for one huge spectacle to give the students the opportunity of learning about all that is Greek Life at the university. Many students anticipate Meet the Greeks.
(12/07/20 10:57pm)
The Kean University Business Plan Competition is organized by the Kean School of Management and Marketing in the College of Business and Public Management. The competition encourages students to think innovatively and learn more about creating a business plan. This year’s competition was held on Dec 4. at 9 a.m., via Zoom.
(11/30/20 11:48pm)
With the Spring 2021 semester approaching quickly, it is important for students to know about the housing procedures that will take place. Students will still be allowed and encouraged to reside on campus.
(11/16/20 11:49pm)
Through the rest of the fall semester, the Center for Leadership and Service will host a series of events for viewing the new documentary series "Whose Vote Counts: Explained." The documentary released in September 2020 and walks through the details and imperative of voting in the United States. Participants will view the series and share encouragement for being involved in the process.
(11/06/20 9:37pm)
The Freshman Class Elections, held through Student Organization, recently transpired, leading Jazaan Walsh to become the Class of 2024 president.
(10/26/20 11:07pm)
As midterms and a stressful, remote semester continue, Halloween festivities offer the Kean community a welcome reprieve from busy schedules and studying. Many of the university's organizations have arranged remote Halloween-themed events for the week leading up to and including the holiday.
(10/28/20 2:23pm)
Seniors Melissa Tito, Kedemah Reid, Yash Patel, Gisell Padilla and Melissa Ostrander, from the Robert Busch School of Design have won major mentorships with top advertising agencies through the renowned One Club for Creativity.
(10/19/20 9:35pm)
The importance of networking is essential during one's college career, especially when the time comes to look for a job. However, with the right connections, the best opportunities tend to come by. For students such as Jorge Morales, some opportunities tend to have exclusive perks attached to it such as doing an internship across the country in California.
(10/12/20 11:00pm)
For the many Kean University senior undergraduate students seeking opportunities in graduate studies next year, performing well on the standardized Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a must. For many graduate programs, the GRE is a requirement, and for others, it's a strongly-encouraged addition to applications; in either case, the test is designed to show graduate schools that students are ready to perform in their rigorous programs.
(10/05/20 10:35pm)
On Saturday, Oct. 10, Kean University will be hosting the 2nd annual Virtual Family Day from 10 a.m. to noon.