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(12/06/22 9:16pm)
Finals week motivates students to effectively focus and study to pass their exams. As finals are approaching, scholars are picking their study partners, organizing their calendars, and preparing to end the semester happily. This year, a few Kean students chose to share what study methods work best for them during these academically strenuous times.
(12/02/22 6:51pm)
On Friday, December 9, Kean Dance Theatre is hosting its annual winter showcase. This year’s performance will be held in Wilkins Theatre from 7 to 8 p.m. It’s catered to fit everyone’s taste because there will be a little bit of everything there.
(12/02/22 6:51pm)
As of Monday, November 14, there is an amazing opportunity for Kean students and alumni who want their written pieces to gain exposure. Organized by Premiere Stages, The Bauer Boucher Playwriting Award is open for submissions from the Kean community.
(12/02/22 6:51pm)
As the fall semester enters December, students start thinking about finals week. While finals can be stressful for many, the Kean community has each other's backs. Whether it’s a freshman’s first semester or a senior’s last, there is always advice to help prepare for finals week.
(12/06/22 9:15pm)
Many students attend college in order to achieve a brighter future. Despite the future being unpredictable, people question what they’ll be like in the years to come. Members of the Kean community share the messages that they have for their future selves.
(11/23/22 6:19pm)
Out of all the clubs and organizations at Kean University, the Hallyu Club truly stands out from the rest. The Hallyu Club is a great place for students looking to embrace Korean pop culture.
(11/22/22 8:38pm)
On Friday, November 18, Delta Phi Epsilon raised money for their philanthropy, Cystic Fibrosis. To reach their goal, the sorority hosted Deepher Dude, their annual male pageant-style event.
(11/29/22 6:04pm)
The Vaughn-Eames Hall caters to students studying art and theater, giving them a chance to utilize their creative skills whilst expressing themselves artistically. This year, Kean has brought art to the university and it's being showcased in Vaughn-Eames Hall.
(11/22/22 8:38pm)
During the season of giving, Kean University is doing its part in helping those less fortunate. Hosted by the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA), Ryan’s Toy Round-Up is in full swing this semester.
(12/06/22 9:16pm)
Many attend college in order to have more job opportunities in the future. College can lead to careers with higher wages and overall satisfaction. At Kean University, students answer the question: Is it better to have a job you’re passionate about that pays little, or have a high-paying job that you lack passion for?
(11/29/22 6:04pm)
Attending college is a huge decision that can help people prepare for their futures. However, it can sometimes be hard to financially support this choice. Fortunately, Kean University provides students with scholarship opportunities to help alleviate their financial stress.
(11/15/22 7:10pm)
On Thursday, November 10, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion hosted an event called Story and Stargaze. This event brought the Kean community together to celebrate Native American Heritage Month.
(11/11/22 7:55pm)
Kean offers so many things for students to do on campus and they keep offering more. Kean Stage has a bunch of events lined up for the rest of the semester and there is a little bit of something for everyone. There are some many fun and exciting performances that students can look forward to seeing.
(11/15/22 7:10pm)
The Center for Advising, Persistence and Success (CAPS) is here to help students by providing them with their services. CAPS specializes in helping freshmen, sophomores and transfers in their academic journey.
(11/11/22 6:22pm)
On Thursday, November 3, students lined up to attend the Cougar Pop Up Shop. From 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., the Cougar Pop Up Shop was an opportunity for students to get nice fashion pieces to help towards their futures.
(11/18/22 5:48pm)
On Wednesday, November 30, Kean Musical Movements will be hosting its annual showcase at Wilkins Theatre. Here, the group will present their dances to all of the Kean community.
(11/11/22 6:21pm)
On Thursday, November 3, a special event was held in the Miron Student Center Atrium. Here, Kean students worked with Operation Smile to help children in need.
(11/18/22 5:47pm)
With Thanksgiving around the corner, many like to give back to others and their community. At Kean, the community is always there for each other and strives to give back as much as possible. The Cougar Pantry at Kean University is there for those in need this Thanksgiving season.
(12/09/22 4:10pm)
After a semester of work, breaks can be a time for students to relax and shift their attention to other matters. With winter break fast approaching, the Kean community shares their plans for the occasion.
(11/18/22 5:47pm)
With about 20 Greek organizations, Greek Life promotes scholars, involvement and, most importantly, sisterhood and brotherhood. Being in a sorority or fraternity can be extremely time consuming, especially when trying to balance college with Greek life. Two members of the Kean community share their experience with being both a student and a sorority sister.