Discover Kean occurred Tuesday, Sept. 17 and was hosted by the Office of Student Government. The event was created to expose students to on campus resources.
On September 11, 2019, students were able to speak, interact and even watch performances presented by Kean University's Greek Organizations at Fall 2019's Meet the Greeks.
Kean Day occurred Friday, Sept. 13, 2019. All student groups and departments were invited out to display their organization to the rest of the Kean Community.
On September 10, 2019, students of the College of Liberal Arts were invited to partake in Kean University's 2nd Annual Convocation with Kiki Jamieson, Ph.D as this year's guest speaker. They also met the Dean, learned about mentoring and advisement, and socialized with other students with ice cream.
On September 11, 2019, Kean University partook in a moment of silence and remembrance to honor the lives lost during September 11, 2001, as well the heroes who persevered.
On September 6, 2019, Greek Organizations attended the Fall 2019 Greek Senate Conference to prepare for the new school year.
National Teddy Bear Day was September 9, 2019. To celebrate, students came to the MSC Patio and were able to build their very own teddy bear.
On Friday, Sept. 6, 2019, the Kean University football team kicked off their season with a home game opener. Prior to the footgame, games and activities were held inside Harwood Arena.
On Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2019, PULSE and Student Organization kicked off the semester with Kean Wave on the Miron Student Center Plaza.
On Sunday, Sept. 1, 2019, more than 700 first-year students moved into Kean University's residence halls to officially start their college career.
This year's Holi festival was the 4th annual Holi festival held at Kean University. The event is also known as the "Festival of Colors" because the festival encourages participants to use colored powders against each other. Colored powders are used to celebrate the vivid colors of the upcoming spring as well as the triumph of good versus evil in Hindu legends.
Every year, the Greek Senate hosts the annual Greek Senate banquet for all of the fraternities and sororities to attend. It is here that the Greek organizations are recognized for their achievements in areas such as academics, community service, involvement and much more. This year, it was held on April 25 from 5-9 p.m. at Galloping Hill Caterers.
Monday, April 29 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Student Organization sophomore and junior class and PULSE hosted the Kean Karnival Event.
The Leadership Institute held its annual Celebration of Leadership Dinner on Wednesday, April 23, 2019, at the Galloping Hill Caterers in Union, NJ. This event recognizes the Leadership Institute students for their work throughout the year and celebrates their accomplishments as the program comes to a close.
The Leadership Institute strut their stuff down the runway #ForTheKids!
KDM 2019 took place in Harwood Arena beating last year's total of $53,875.52 achieving $54, 175.51 this year.
Kean Greeks partake in a friendly competition of games suited for a Greek Olympian!
Kean students rallied together in anticipation for this year's Kean Dance Marathon.
Kean students gather for a night of worship and fellowship with A.Life Kean on Thursday, March 28, 2019.
Barnes and Noble has more to offer than books and coffee on Thursday, March 28, 2019. It was also overflowing with hidden talent!