Picture credits to Nicole Rivera and Asusena Tejada
Photos Courtesy of Jessica Rice and Asusena Tejada.
Photo Courtesy of Asusena Tejada, Noah Dobson, and Jessica Rice
On April 27, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Research Days Undergraduate Poste Symposium took place in the Harwood Arena. Students were able to come by to support our undergraduate researchers.
On Friday, April 22 from 3 to 10 p.m. the Greek Senate at Kean University hosted their annual Kean Dance Marathon in the Harwood Arena. Greek Life members raised over $20,000 for the Children's Specialized Hospital.
The Leadership Institute hosted Fun4Funds on Wednesday, April 6 in the MSC Atrium. Students were able to learn more about The Children's Specialized Hospital, make a donation to play games and win raffle tickets for prizes.
On Friday, April 1 Kean University students celebrated Holi at the Hardwood Arena Parking Lot. Holi is a popular ancient Indian Festival, also known as the "Festival of Love", the "Festival of Colors" and the "Festival of Spring."
Greek Sing was held on March 29 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Little Theater.
On Wednesday, Feb. 2 the spring 2022 Student Involvement and Employment Fair was held in the Miron Student Center from 12 to 4 p.m. During this time, students were able to explore employment opportunities and ways to get more involved on campus.
On Wednesday, Feb. 2 from 5 to 9 p.m. Meet The Greeks was held in the Miron Student Center, Greek Lounge and Room 226. Greek Organizations were eager to showcase their chapters and students had the opportunity to learn more about each organization in attendance.
On Sunday Oct. 24, 2021, Kean Cougars joined the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. It was hosted by the American Cancer Society at Middlesex College in Edison, NJ.
Kean University celebrated their homecoming on Saturday, October 16 2021 with a carnival before the football game. Carnival-goers celebrated their Kean Pride with food, games, face painting, and more!