On Tuesday, March 4 the Kean community was welcomed to the Spring 2025 Cougar Pop Up Shop. The Office of Student Retention and Educational Innovation, Career Services, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Cougar Connections Center of Social Work, Kean Wellness Center, and Kean’s Bridge to Success hosted the event in Downs Hall from 12:30 to 4 p.m.
There was a variety of options for students to choose from for any occasion. Racks were filled with dresses, ties, suits, and blouses for students to shop from. The Cougar Pop Up Shop always has an impressive turnout with an overwhelming number of students attending the event in search of professional and casual clothing to wear without cost.
Shakti Moore, a Psychology and Film double major and freshman from Plainfield, stated why she decided to come to the event.
“I actually went last semester, and it was really fun. I work in the Office of Admissions so my everyday clothes aren't really things I can wear to work...I’m just here to get stuff for work and cute clothes because they have really nice stuff here.”
Veronica Vila, an English major and junior from Linden, shared how she was choosing clothing pieces that would cultivate a sophisticated style.
“I come every semester whenever they do it because it’s a really good way to find new things that I need [like] bags and clothing for professional attire,” shared Vila.
“I’ve gotten a bunch of blazers from here. It definitely elevates my clothing and the way that you present yourself when you go to an interview or a conference. It’s about having resources available.”
Juan Gavilanes, a Computer Science major and freshman from Ecuador, was excited about the suit selection available.
“[The clothes] are really good. It actually helps me a lot because I was looking for a suit but it’s too expensive. Here, I got a free suit basically.”
Annette Parada, a Communications major and junior from Union City used the event to prepare for the Career Fair.
“It’s free and we have the Career Fair coming up so I thought it would be a great opportunity to come and expand my closet and pick out some new pieces that I can wear for the Career Fair.”
Upon leaving the Pop-Up Shop, students were able to visit tables that offer help and resources like NJ Snap, the Offices of Scholarship Services, Financial Aid, and Student Retention and Educational Innovation.
Liz O’Donnell, Lead Social Worker in Cougar Connections Center of Social Work, presented a table that asked students to write down what their significant expense is as a college student.
“We chose this question because our office supports students who are experiencing basic needs challenges and a lot of their core issues is a lack of funding to purchase things that they need to live on a day-to-day basis like housing, food, finances, things like that,” stated O’Donnell.
“So, we wanted to know if they’re coming here for clothing what might their other needs be. So, a good question to get that is ‘What is your biggest college expense?’ And the answers have been transportation, food, and the biggest one is textbooks.”
There was a spread of food that all who were participating in the event could enjoy while learning more about the offices that are available for support and guidance as they continue their academic journey.
Each semester many students look forward to the Cougar Pop Up Shop. The event supports the university’s mission to assist and empower students in their academic career.