Microsoft 365 Migration

The Offices of Student Government and Kean IT held a session for students to ask question about the transition to Microsoft 365.

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Microsoft 365 Migration
Ch'nya Howard

On Tuesday, November 26 the Student Government Association of Kean University along with the Office of Student Government and the Graduate Student Government of Kean University hosted the Microsoft 365 Migration. This event was held in the Cougar’s Den from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Students had the opportunity to share their concerns and learn more about the movement from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365. 

The migration to Microsoft 365 comes at a time when preparation and the necessary tools are needed for life beyond college. The university believes that the movement will prepare students for the workforce. 

The members of the Kean IT department explained that Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 are similar and the migration for students will take place from January to February 2025. It is important for students to note that their documents will not be deleted but copied over to the new platform and their emails will be the same.  

Microsoft 365 has many upsides such as more storage which includes 100 GB for Outlook and 1 TB for One Drive. There is also an increase in security and unity between everyone on the campus community. Students can also customize their settings to look like Google if they dislike the default Microsoft settings.  

In addition, students are welcome to download the Microsoft apps or just access the apps through their web base versions.  

Everyone in the Kean community must migrate to Microsoft 365. If students fail to do so, they will not receive emails or files needed for their academics and communication. 

If students still have questions or concerns about the transition, they can book an appointment in the Technology Building from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. or visit for videos and self-guided learning.