An Afternoon Of Mystery, Career Tips and Candy

Kean Pulse’s Imposter Insights: Career Trick-or-Treating, Gifts Students Career Readiness Skills

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Courtney-Joy Breeden

On Thursday, October 17, students gathered on the first floor of the Nancy Thompson Library for Career Trick-or-treating with Kean Pulse. 

Imposter Insights: Career Trick-or-Treat was an interactive Halloween event where students learned interview tips, took career tests to narrow down their future paths and practiced networking to figure out who the 3 imposters in the crowd were.

“[This has been] beneficial, they have a lot of stuff to get you ready for a career, internships and really getting to see what your career field is like and seeing what you want to do, said Quintin Duverece, a freshman Communications and Film major.

There were three tables at the event, besides the activities mentioned, there was also a spin-the-wheel game where students received a work scenario and answered based on their own understanding of job etiquette and simple policy.

There was also a table dedicated to giving students resources on Kean’s Career Service’s where students can receive resume tips and search for internships and job opportunities through.

“I learned where to get my resume updated if I need to,” said Kinaysha Lorenzo, a junior Architecture major and another one of the imposters who took their role seriously. “I’m enjoying the theme and all the things they have available.”

Upon check-in, attendees were given a small checklist showing each table they had to attend in order to fully participate in the overall activity of locating the 3 imposters and understanding the task of networking.

Students quickly learned how bold they had to be in the workplace and the importance of conversational skills in order to get more information from whomever they were speaking to. And all students who figured out at least one imposter received a Kean fanny pack.

Overall, all attendees walked away with resources and skills geared toward setting them up for success in the professional world.

“Internship season’s coming up and …  so there’s interview do’s and don’ts and elevator pitch all these resources here are designed to help students with finding a career that matches their interest,” said Nikita Kunte a junior Psychology and Psych Rehab who works with Kean Pulse and happened to be one of the imposters of the afternoon. “So I’m hoping students get as much as possible from this.”