On Tuesday, December 3 the Office of Scholarship Services, Office of Student Retention and Educational Innovation, and the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons hosted the Scholarship Services Breakfast in the Lobby of the Center for Academic Success (CAS).
From 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. students interacted with different organizations to learn more about scholarship opportunities while enjoying a full breakfast spread.
There were also other organizations such as the First Gen Mentoring Program and the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons tabling to inform students about the programs and resources available for assistance. Kean students were also rewarded with Kean merch and candy from playing a fun game of Spin the Wheel.
Yurisa Santos, Associate Director of Scholarship Services and one of the coordinators of the event shared their purpose.
“Today’s event is to promote our scholarship application. So, it’s a Kean University Foundation Scholarship Application. It opened up December 1st with a priority deadline of March 1st. We wanted to make an event to let students know that we are on campus,” shared Santos.
“We also want to help students; we want to connect students with scholarships. And then we also took the opportunity to collaborate with the Retention Office and with Nancy Commons as well just to bring to awareness because they have some great resources as well and a lot of students may not know about it. We just wanted to spread the word and promote our application.”
The scholarship is open to all students and applications will still be accepted after the March 1st deadline as long as funding allows.
Many of the students walked away with more knowledge about the available scholarships and programs for academic guidance and support.
For more information or questions about the scholarship application, students can visit the 1st floor of the Administration Building or go to www.kean.edu/scholarships. Students can also email the department at scholarships@kean.edu.