Jump into Kean 2024: Welcome Back Cougars!

Kean University welcomes back students with Jump into Kean week 2024.

Campus Life > Jump into Kean 2024: Welcome Back Cougars!
Jump into Kean 2024: Welcome Back Cougars!

Kean students attending the Food Truck and Carnival Games event. 

Ch'nya Howard and Courtney-Joy Breeden

From August 28 to September 4, Kean University was filled with fun and exciting events to welcome new and returning students from summer break. Jump into Kean week featured many activities such as Game Show Night, On the Block BBQ, Carnival Games and Food Trucks, Greek Showcase, Rita’s PardICE, Freshman Convocation, and Cougar Kick-Off. 

The On the Block BBQ was held in the food court of the Miron Student Center and offered dishes like chicken, pulled pork, bean burgers, mac and cheese, cornbread, salad, and brownies. 

Many freshmen like Emily Cirelli, a Chemistry Forensic Science major from Saddle Brook, enjoyed the BBQ as it allowed them to meet their fellow classmates.

“So far, I enjoyed seeing all the new people that I haven’t seen yet. Also, catching up with old friends that I haven’t seen in a while. That’s what I like,” said Cirelli. 

After the BBQ, students were able to attend the Game Show and play Cash Attack and The Deal is Right. Some participants were able to walk away with cash prizes and items like the Sharper Image 2-Player Laser Tag set and a Keurig coffee machine. 

Chima Marazere, a freshman and Accounting major from West Orange, stated why he found the Game Show exciting.

 “I think it’s really cool, and the fact that it’s live audience but instantaneous is really cool and adds to the credibility. It’s really cool how they’re giving back to the community, and everyone’s engaged, so it’s pretty amazing,” said Marazere.

On August 29, the festivities continued with the President’s Opening Day Address and ended with the Greek Showcase, food trucks, and carnival games. Kean resident students played games like Hydra Blast and Hoop Shot, made stuffed animals, and ate delicious food from food trucks like Hold My Knots, Bro-Ritos, and Scream Truck. The Greek Showcase featured many members who proudly strolled, representing their Greek organizations. 

The Freshman Convocation and Reception was held on August 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Class of 2028 is the largest freshman class, with about 2,000 students. President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D., gave a welcome speech to the incoming freshmen advising them to visualize the end of their college careers, while Mackenzie Kuntz, President of the Student Government Association, encouraged the class to initiate conversations and not be hard on themselves. 

There were beautiful performances by student leader Catherine Anukam, who recited an original poem, and Kean Board of Directors, Student Trustee Danielle Braithwaite, who sang Home from the hit musical, The Wiz. The inaugural Freshman Convocation left students excited to start their new journey and with a new perspective on college life.

The Cougar Kick-Off on September 4, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., welcomed all students on the first day of classes. The event was packed and full of life with food from Gourmet Dining and giveaways from Cougar Connections, the Kean Wellness Center, and many other student support services on campus.

“I’m very introverted and this is actually making me more extroverted,” said Gabriela Fletcher, a freshman Psychology major from Pine Hill, NJ. “[I’m enjoying] getting to meet new people and forming new bonds.”

Good food, music, and community are all students need to feel the love at Kean, and the Cougar Kick-Off presented just that and gave students an amazing way to start the semester.

Jump Into Kean Week is a valued cougar tradition that continues to unify and uplift the Kean community.