Wellness For the Body and the Mind

Kean Occupational Therapy Clinic and Development's free Yoga class will be held on Wednesday, April 14th

Campus Life > Wellness For the Body and the Mind
Wellness For the Body and the Mind
There are many resources on campus for students to utilize to enhance their spiritual wellness.
Jaclyn Lukas, Staff Writer

Spring is upon us and it's time to get back outside, soak up the sun and get our bodies moving in new and fun ways. Yoga has been a way of moving one's body, while also cleansing the soul and mind that can help relieve stress to feel good. 

If students are interested in learning some easy-to-do moves that can help with mental, physical, and spiritual health, Kean’s Occupational Therapy Community Cares Clinic (KU OT- CCC) and Department of Occupational Therapy has an upcoming event for those who are interested. 

Kean OT Clinic and Department is offering a free virtual Yoga class for all students and any level of experience, even no experience. Wellness is not just a day, but a lifestyle that students should work into their schedules to ensure they do not overwork themselves. This free event will give students a chance to unwind, relax and renew themselves to finish out the semester strong. 

Kean Occupational Therapy-Community Cares Clinic Director, Kelly Sullivan said, “Self-care is an area of health and wellness that is too often put last on our personal ‘to-do lists’. The clinic invites you all to take time to do something for YOU.” 

OT’s free Yoga class will be held: 

  • Wednesday, April 14th from 7:30-8:30 p.m.; via Zoom.

Clinic Director, Kelly Sullivan and MSOT Academic Fieldwork Coordinator Patricia Higgins will be the hosts of this event. Occupational therapist and yoga instructor, Chrissy D’Amico will be leading the Yoga class and guiding the participants through the Yoga poses. 

The best part about this amazing wellness event is that students can do it right from the comfort of their own home with no equipment. Students can set up their laptops outside to follow along, while getting some fresh air or they can even stay in their room/living room. The flexibility and open level of this class makes it an easy wellness activity to get into. 

Sullivan said, “this class is offered to the community as a safe space to virtually come together and participate in a wellness activity meant to unwind, renew and relax.” 

To reserve a spot before they all fill up, be sure to email the KU- OT CCC at otclinic@kean.edu. If there are any questions or concerns, students can reach the clinic at the email above or by phone at (908) 737-5940. 

Namaste Cougars! 

about the author

Jaclyn Lukas, Staff Writer


Jaclyn Lukas is an English major with a concentration in writing. She joined The Cougar’s Byte staff in Spring 2021. After her time at Kean, Jaclyn hopes to start her professional career in publishing for books or newspapers/magazines.