Introducing the New Class of 2024 President

Jazaan Walsh is Student Organization's Freshman Class President

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Introducing the New Class of 2024 President
Class of 2024 President Jazaan Walsh.
Shannon Sheehan, Staff Writer

The Freshman Class Elections, held through Student Organization, recently transpired, leading Jazaan Walsh to become the Class of 2024 president.

Through this role, Walsh will oversee programming and accessibility of resources for the freshmen at Kean, leading first-year students to a successful introductory year at Kean.

Walsh is a biology major with a goal to one day work in the medical field as a pediatric cardiologist. He chose to study at Kean due to its location, campus and resources for students. He also appreciated the opportunities provided by Kean to help students excel throughout their collegiate career.

Walsh said, "My time here at Kean will help me drastically for my future because they not only offer great education, but they offer many opportunities that can help you get involved in and outside of campus and build your resume."

As Walsh is new on campus, he is currently only involved in Student Government, however, he recognizes the importance of becoming even more involved. He also values building his leadership skills, which he aims to do through his role as freshman class president.

Walsh's main goal during his term as the class of 2024 president is to ensure that the freshmen at Kean are able to receive an amazing college experience, despite the challenges in the world around us. He aims to do this through educational and entertaining programs for students to partake in. Walsh also wants to ensure that students are aware of services that can aid them from their remote educations and while they are on campus.

He said, "My plans with this role are to make sure that my time in this position does not go to waste, and I can tend to all problems and concerns of the freshman class and get them resolved to the best of my ability."

Being freshman class president entails many responsibilities on top of Walsh's academic work. Time management is an important skill to have with this role, which comes naturally to Walsh. He has become well versed in prioritizing and managing his obligations through his scheduling abilities, which he will put to use during his term.

Walsh ran for this position because he wanted to become involved on campus, and hopes to use the role to encourage other students to do the same. He hopes to make connections with his peers and become more comfortable on campus.

Throughout his term and his time at Kean, Walsh hopes to be a role model to students and show how being involved and dedicated to his academics can lead him on the path to success.

Walsh said, "The top advice I would give [students] is to go for it! College is filled with things we want for our future and things we want for ourselves, but many people might get discouraged because they feel like they can't do it or they don't fit the criteria."

He continued, "You should just go for it and always think for the better."

about the author
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Shannon Sheehan, Staff Writer

Shannon Sheeehan is a Junior Communications major with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Marketing. She joined The Cougar's Byte staff in Spring 2018. After her time at Kean, Shannon hopes to start her professional career in Public Relations and/or Social Media.