As students are welcomed back for the fall semester, Kean University has set new social distancing policies in place to support the health and well being of the Kean community.
In-Person Instruction
When the fall semester began on Sept. 1, all classes met remotely through Blackboard or other video conferencing services. Classes will continue to be remote until Sept. 21, when the campus opens to a mix of face-to-face and hybrid courses. To help minimize the spread of COVID-19, only about 22 percent of classes have been denoted as being face-to-face or hybrid courses. Students can check the categorization of their classes on their class schedules on Keanwise. Following the Thanksgiving recess, all classes will transition back to being fully remote.
For face-to-face or hybrid courses, both faculty and students are expected to wear face masks and socially distance themselves from other individuals. To encourage social distancing, the university is currently evaluating and adapting campus spaces, as well as adding signs and markers throughout the campus. Students are able to wear a safety conscious mask of their choosing, or may request a washable Kean mask. More details on how to receive a Kean mask will be provided at a later date.
Resident hall capacity has been reduced to maintain social distancing and limit COVID-19 exposure. Resident students living on campus were able to move back on campus as usual at the end of August.
Some adjustments that have been made to on campus living have include limiting elevator usage to only two people at a time, not allowing guests, adding hand sanitation stations, regular and frequent sanitizing of the residence halls, virtual floor meetings, virtual room inspections, instilling an appointment-only policy for the Community Kitchen and more.
Additionally, Kean's Gourmet Dining has adjusted their dining experience to best accommodate resident students while in adherence to the new policies. Their current hours of operation for the Fall 2020 semester is as follows:
Furthermore, resident students are expected to self-evaluate and monitor themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 daily, and utilize the CampusClear mobile app in addition to social distancing and wearing a face mask.
For more detailed information and updates on resident student-specific policies, resident students should refer back to information provided by the Office of Residential Student Services (RSS) or their Residential Assistant (RA).
Virtual Resources and Offices
In support of social distancing policies and COVID-19 prevention and mitigation, many offices have transitioned their services partially or fully online, or changed their in-person schedules.
Kean University has organized a list of these offices and their contacts in the online Cougar Restart Guide.
Students should bear in mind that, due to new social distancing policies and office changes, random visits to campus are not allowed. As a result, students must take care to RSVP, schedule an appointment or virtually contact the necessary service providers, program coordinators or office representatives as needed, prior to making a trip onto campus.
When students are on campus, students can rest assured that Kean University is frequently sanitizing surfaces throughout the campus, utilizing plexiglas dividers, adapting seating arrangements and utilizing virtual communications to limit exposure. Additionally, Kean University is currently working in coordination with Union County to implement COVID-19 testing and contact tracing processes in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus.
Please note, social distancing policies and processes are subject to change as needed. The Kean community are encouraged to check their Kean emails, University Relations news, The Cougar's Byte, the Kean website and any other Kean-specific resources for any changes, updates, or more details as the semester progresses.