Located in the Nancy Thompson Library Learning Commons, the newly-renovated Commuter Resource Center (CRC) has evolved into a grand space, introducing a new environment for commuter students to find information, use resources, and be assisted with academic needs.
Kean's Office of Student Government decided to create a hub for commuter students about three years ago when Student Government Director Stephanie Faser and Managing Assistant Director Carli Hench envisioned a space where resources and information are as easily accessible to commuter students, as much as they are for residential students. The majority of students on Kean's Union campus are commuters.
"The Office of Student Government is very focused on student services and meeting student needs," said Hench. "So it made perfect sense for us to develop the CRC under the umbrella of student government."
Part of the process in re-imagining the commuter hub was to visit other NJ public state campuses to gain some insights about what to include in Kean's Commuter Resource Center. The first step towards the renovation was to move locations.
Faser said the library was the perfect choice to relocate the CRC, from its original location in Hutchinson Hall. "There's so many resources in the library for all students," she said. "We really want the commuters to get involved, and know about all of the services provided in the library."
Some of the amenities offered to commuter students include the use of locker rentals, an NJ Transit discount, and a microwave and mini-fridge located in the Commuter Resource Center. The CRC also houses one of the few color copiers on campus.
Within the library, students also get the opportunity to be surrounded by other resources, such as Tutoring and Learning Support Services which includes, the Writing Center and Public Speaking Lab. Students also are able to utilize printers scanners, computers and information tables.
The CRC has its own personal information table, which can be utilized by commuter students with any questions about college or the campus. Managing the desk is also a student job opportunity.
"A lot of the times, the commuters that come to us just ask general questions about college," Hench said. "[The information desk] is there to help direct commuter students, and to receive the guidance they need."
The new additions to the CRC include another built-in space that wraps around the back of the library, featuring large glass windows, and extra seating inside. This renovation expanded the outside space within the library itself, and allows for more seating and tables. Faser also said that there will be even more new seating within the next few weeks.
For more information on the Commuter Resource Center and projects like it, please contact the Office of Student Government in the Miron Student Center, Room 304 or give them a call at (908) 737-5190.