Applications are now open for the first of Kean University's 2020 graduations. The online application deadline for May 2020 graduates is Feb. 7, 2020. The deadline for August 2020 graduates is March 6, 2020. Students should converse with their program coordinators or academic advisers to ensure they have met all the criteria for graduation - that all of their credits and other requirements are accounted for, and so on.
The Undergraduate Commencement takes place on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. The Graduate Commencement will be held on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, NJ.
In order to apply for graduation, students can log onto KeanWISE, select the "Academic Profile" subsection, and choose "Apply for Graduation." Students must complete the application there and pay a $100 fee, which covers caps and gowns for those walking in the commencement ceremony, diplomas, transcripts and processing fees. Graduates are responsible for the fee whether or not they plan to attend commencement. Graduates will be contacted via email to order caps and gowns and confirm event details, for guests and location, during the semester.
Candidates must ensure that there are no restrictions or holds on their KeanWISE accounts before their degrees can be conferred or transcripts can be delivered. They are recommended to consistently check the status of their accounts to ensure no unexpected holds delay or complicate the review process.
After the application for graduation is submitted, the Office of the Registrar will review each student's transcript to confirm their completion of all course requirements. If any requirements remain unfulfilled, candidates will be informed by the Office of the Registrar, respective of deadlines.
Prospective graduates must submit inquiries to transfer, substitute, or waive credits before applying for graduation, or there is a risk that the conferring of their degrees may be delayed.
Diplomas will be mailed by a third party approximately three months after conferral, and students will be notified by the vendor that their diplomas have been sent. During the commencement ceremonies, graduates will be distributed diploma covers; those not attending can retrieve covers at the Office of the Registrar, or the Kean Ocean Administrative Office. As with the rest of the graduation process, diplomas cannot be released until all holds are cleared. With questions or concerns, prospective graduates can email
Copies of transcripts will also be mailed about three months after degrees are conferred, and require that all account holds be resolved and lifted.
Any student in need of evidence that they have completed their graduation requirements before their degree has been conferred can submit a Statement of Completion form, to be submitted via email to
The Office of the Registrar stresses that walking at commencement does not necessarily mean a degree can be conferred. Their office must still confirm all academic requirements and account holds are cleared.
Graduation is a detailed process, but it should also be an exciting moment - the celebration of years of hard work and determination. Those preparing for graduation should keep all these details in mind to streamline the process and avoid stress, tackling requirements day by day as they have with their classes.
With any questions about this process, students can reach out by email to or by call at 908-73-REGME.