Becoming a well rounded individual is a major key throughout a student's time here at Kean. Tracking community service hours and all of the organizations a student is currently a part of can be very important when applying for graduate schools as well as positions both on and off campus. The Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) is an official record of students' involvement at Kean University and helps keep track of all the organizations they were or are currently a part of as well as any academic awards that were granted.
The CCT is an official document bearing the university seal which can be customized to compliment a student's academic transcript or resume. The CCT is primarily used to increase students' marketability to prospective job employers and graduate schools. It is also used to showcase a personal journey throughout Kean providing a view of a student's skills and abilities. The CCT is provided by the Center for Leadership and Service.
The CCT is all about the student's learning experience and is used to highlight important life skills such as leadership, decision making, team building, communication, problem solving as well as goal setting and networking skills to make individuals stand out in their applications.
The CCT lists the exact dates a student joins an organization and how many community service hours a student has accumulated throughout their time here at Kean. It is important that the student regularly updates their CCT because often times, employers may want to see what the student has done in their college community beyond academics.
The CCT is organized into four sections based on:
1. Awards, Honors and Scholarships
2. Student Organization and Leadership Activities
3. Educational Workshops and Programs
4. Community Service and Civic Engagement
Even though most activities a student may do will show up on their CCT automatically, all other entries must be manually entered by the student to ensure that it shows up on both the unofficial transcript and the requested official transcript that is provided by the Center for Leadership and Service.
Students have the option to view a copy of their Unofficial Co-Curricular Transcript by logging into Cougar Link with their username and password, clicking on their profile picture on the top right of the screen and selecting the option of viewing the unofficial transcript.
If you would like to request an official copy of your CCT, make sure your unofficial one is accurate and up to date. Once that is done, search on Cougar Link for the Center for Leadership and Service and scroll down to the forms section of the organization and click on the request form. Official transcripts will only be released to the student and will not be sent directly to employers or graduate schools. Students may either pick up their form in person within four business days or have it mailed to them within ten business days.
Kean University is here to provide success for all of its students so they can truly "climb higher" at achieving their goals beyond college. For more information on the Co-Curricular Transcript Program, feel free to contact the Center for Leadership and Service at (908) 737-5170 or stop by their main office located in the Miron Student Center (MSC), Room 219.