One of the most exciting events at Kean every semester is Meet the Greeks, which is hosted by the Greek Senate. This is an event intended to inform the Kean community of the Greek Letter Organizations on campus and the efforts that they make to enhance the community, as they are very involved on campus. This year, Meet the Greeks is taking place on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 5 to 10 p.m. in Harwood Arena.

When one walks in to Meet the Greeks, they can expect to see tables lined around the room representing each of the 15 fraternities, 14 sororities and 1 co-ed organization. Some will have their table adorned with their respective colors and mascots, while others adopt a theme for the night. This is the largest recruitment event at Kean, therefore each organization tries to stand out and catch the eye of prospective Greeks.
This event is free for Kean students, as well as a great way for new and existing students to get to know what the Kean community is all about! For alumni, there will be a $5 charge at the door. Please also be prepared for a security check at the entrance as it is vital to maintain a safe environment.
If one is apprehensive or uninformed about Greek Life, this is a great event to get to know what these organizations really stand for. When approaching the tables, do not be scared to ask the members how their fraternity or sorority is involved on campus and other similar questions to get to know what their organization is all about. This is a great event for those interested in Greek Life but also those that are just looking to have a good time and learn more about the Kean community.
All of the proceeds that are made will go towards the Kean Dance Marathon total which benefits the Children's Specialized Hospital. Over the past few years Kean Greeks have been donating to this organization and last year they exceeded their previous totals by raising $54,175.51, and are only aiming to raise more this academic year.

Attendees can expect to become immersed in the Greek culture as organizations present themselves to the audience. Some do this by speaking about their organizations, while others choose to perform strolls. There will be a DJ emceeing the event to keep everyone excited throughout the night as well.
Melissa Antonio, the Greek Life specialist that has had a big role in planning this event, said, "Students can benefit from coming to Meet the Greeks through making new connections with other individuals who may be interested in the same sorority or fraternity as them. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people and create bonds within the community on campus."
She continued, "Being a Kean Greek means representing your organization and Kean's Greek Life with pride and respect. [It] will not only open doors for your success but also for your own personal growth."