Down to Earth

The Earth Science Club hosted a fair in honor of Earth Day

Campus Life > Down to Earth
Down to Earth
The Earth Science Club hosted Earth Day 2019, informing students on ways to be environmentally friendly.
Abigail Anne Rafael, Senior Editor

Students gathered around the Miron Student Center (MSC) Patio to partake in this year's Earth Day Fair hosted by the Earth Science Club. The fair took place Tuesday, April 16 and is part of the Earth Science Club's many upcoming events to celebrate this coming Earth Day April 22.

Earth Day Fair

The Earth Day Fair included tablings from many clubs and organizations. At each table, students could learn about the organization's mission and do an activity to earn a raffle ticket. Upon earning six raffle tickets, students were able to submit them for a chance to receive a pot to decorate and a succulent plant to take home.

One of the tables had representatives from the Post Landfill Action Network (PLAN). PLAN is a national nonprofit who partners with campuses to promote zero waste efforts.

Co-Director and Campus Coordinator Faye Christoforo said, "We're here today to talk about our Points of Intervention tour. So the idea of the tour is to talk about how no one can do everything but everyone can do something and there's all different ways to change the linear consumption economy that we live in. So, whether you're resisting pipelines or using the reusable straw or redesigning a product so it reduces waste, you're helping to change that system and we're trying to encourage students to get involved in that."

At their table, students were able to make DIY sewing kits made out of up-cycled film canisters and talk to the representatives about what they can do to change the world. Students interested in becoming involved with PLAN can check out their upcoming Students for Zero Waste Conference 2019 on their website.

Earth Day Fair

Another table included representatives from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. Their table included information on Kean's compost machine and storm water drains. Students could also receive bags of compost for their plants. Students are able to receive more free compost from Kean's compost machine located behind Cougar's Den. Students should email Ana Coyle at for more information on when it's best to pick up compost.

Professors from the School of Environmental and Sustainability Sciences also shared a table presenting their research. One of whom was Professor Joseph Sarnoski who taught students about the health benefits of eating crickets and invited them to give it a try.

"My interest is in some of our geological work and sustainable eating. With sustainable eating we're eating crickets. Crickets are a high protein food unlike cows. Cows take up a lot of water [and] cows take up a lot of land. They need a lot of nutrients to get them to grow as big as they are, whereas crickets need almost none of that," said Sarnoski. "They need very little water, they need very little food compared to cows and they're very high in protein. They're about 70 percent protein. So, they're a good high protein substitute, they reduce our impact on the environment, they're good for us and they taste delicious. So eat crickets."

Earth Day Fair

Other tables providing interesting information and activities included a seed bomb making station, a canvas bag making station, parfait serving station, a plant making station and more.

"People don't really know about the environment and how important it is and how you can save it. We're really here to promote education and love for the environment," said Ijeoma Akpu, the secretary of the Earth Science Club.

Earth Science Club has also planned events as follows with the same mission in mind:

  • Elizabeth River Cleanup - Thursday, April 18
  • Fossil Hunting - Saturday, May 4

Interested students can check out Earth Science Club's Cougar Link page or email them at

about the author
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Abigail Anne Rafael, Senior Editor

Abigail Anne Rafael is the Senior Editor for The Cougar’s Byte and first joined staff in January 2018. She is a communication major with a concentration in public relations. Abigail aims to inspire and motivate readers with her writing. After graduating from Kean, she hopes to work for a Catholic company to dispel mistruths about the Church.