Kean University's Speech lab is relocating to the Library room L-114A!
"The speech lab is responsible for coaching students to develop superior communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, while mentoring them to become great presenters scholastically and in the business world," said Ithan Sokol, graduate assistant at the speech lab.
According to a Chapman University survey on fears in America, public speaking ranks high with fears of height and bugs. The speech lab helps students feel comfortable not only with speaking but with what they are speaking about. They assist in execution of speeches, speech outlines and short papers. The goals of the lab is to get students to have communication skills that they will utilize in for their years at Kean as well as in the real world.
Public speaking is required for most jobs, and it is something that one way or another cannot be avoided forever. Whether it is for a job or for special events like weddings, opportunities that involve speaking publicly are all around us. If students are comfortable with it, they will excel in their fields.
The specialists that work at the speech lab have degrees in communication as well as experience in the field. They help with voice and articulation in speeches also. The sessions are one-on-one sessions to maximize the comfort and success of Kean students.
For help with speeches, visit the Kean Speech Lab during their hours in Room L-114A:
Mondays: noon to 9 p.m.
Tuesdays: noon to 6 p.m.
Wednesdays: 6 to 9 p.m.
Thursdays: noon to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: noon to 3 p.m.