On Thursday, April 6, 2017 and Saturday, April 8, 2017, Kean Dance Theatre (KDT) will be hosting its bi-annual showcase from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The spring showcase will be held in Wilkins Theatre and will show a variety of dance styles, showcasing the different cultures and talents within KDT.
"Each year KDT spotlights provocative, diverse and high-spirited dance works artistically performed and choreographed by students, alumni, faculty and guest artists. KDT has performed at pep rallys, the Homecoming Half-Time Show, Open House, New Student Orientation, Culture Fest, Campus Awareness, Arts in the Garden, American College Dance Festival, Student Choreographed Showcases, Various Campus Events as Guests and our Annual Spring Showcase," excerpted from Cougar Link.
To register for the these events, students can go to KDT's Cougar Link and RSVP for the events. Admission is free for everyone.
The showcase will be the organization's opportunity to reveal all of the hard work members put in throughout the semester. KDT welcomes an audience of all ages and backgrounds to come enjoy an entertaining evening of dance.