Funded group elections are here! Don’t forget to vote for funded group executive board positions!
Gabby Vicedomini | The Cougar’s Byte
The time is now for new officials to be elected for funded groups at Kean University. On Friday, February 5, 2016, at 9 a.m. applications will become available for those interested in becoming executive board members of a student group.
There are a few different types of student groups at Kean University, including Greek life, community service, non-funded and funded (among others). Funded groups are student organizations that receive funding from the Office of Student Government. Each group is allotted a specific budget, every budget being the same across the board. Members of a funded group executive board also receive a small Barnes and Noble stipend for their service.
The applications will become available via the Office of Student Government’s Cougar Link under the “Forms” tab. Submissions will be accepted until Friday, March 4, 2016, at 4 p.m. Only members of a funded group in question can elect an official but one does not have to be a member of an organization to run for an executive position. Positions for funded groups are as follows:
- Funded Group President
- Funded Group Vice President
- Funded Group Treasurer
- Funded Group Secretary
- Funded Group Director of Public Relations
These positions of power come with many responsibilities and qualifications. Those interested must be a part-time, full-time or graduate student recognized by the Office of the Registrar. Applicants also must carry a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or above. An applicant can only submit an application for ONE position and cannot be currently serving on a different group’s board.
After the March 4 deadline, successful applicants can thus begin campaigning. Funded group electees may not table or campaign door-to-door in the resident halls. Advertising materials such as flyers and handouts can be distributed around campus everywhere accept for dining areas, libraries and computer labs. Candidates will be held responsible to remove their materials from any posting areas within 24 hours of the election results.
Executive board members may serve for one complete academic year, afterwards opening up the position for other potential candidates. If there are no prospective executive officials, people may remain in their position until challenged by others. Once this happens, all applicants must campaign against each other to gain support before the actual elections.
For more information regarding Funded Group Elections, call the Office of Student Government at 908-737-5190 or visit the office in Miron Student Center room 309.