Audition to be a part of the Miss I am Woman Pageant
To all the ladies on campus: want to be in a pageant? Then be prepared for an audition because on December 11, 2015, Women’s Circle along with the Residential Student Service (RSS) will be hosting an audition for the Miss I Am Woman Pageant. The audition will be held in the Little Theatre held in Miron Student Center (MSC) from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
For anyone who wants to audition be prepared to show off any talents one may have. Also be prepared for an interview and an evening gown walk. Be aware that the talent portion of the audition has to be a minute and a half long and the interview will be conducted by one of the executive board members of the Women’s Circle organization. For the evening gown walk, which will be judged on poise and grace, make sure to bring footwear (high heels) to the audition as they will not be provided.
Anyone who wants to audition must have at least a 2.5 GPA and be in good standing with Kean University. There is no need for any pageant experience. Women’s Circle is looking for 20 women to perform in the Miss I Am Pageant in the spring.
For more information about the pageant, visit the Women’s Circle page on Cougar Link. Good luck and have fun!